Breaking news - It's on - the fight between Shahrizat Jalil and Rafidah Aziz for the Wanita Umno top position. In a two-paragraph statement, the former MP for Lembah Pantai said she accepted the nominations to vie for the post. Read
Malaysian Insider and
The Star.
I have no liking for Rafidah who is real arrogant and have lots of baggage of controversies, but I do admire her fighting spirit. On the other hand Shahrizat is a real wimp. "Oh I don't want to compete for the position lah. I will wait my turn" Then flipflop again. Then flipflop again. Like the old sleepy head. And yeah,reminds me of those grannies and aunties who say, "Aiya please don't give me the gifts and angpows, aiya don't lah", but the hands already reach out to take them. And all the while the hearts say, "Please please give me. I want I want". Spineless. And in any case, the whole line up of cabinet ministers and the top leaders of UMNO are all not talented. It is a sad reflection on the state of UMNO.
I am not sure why the run up to the Wanita UMNO polls is such a popular topic...who cares, really?? Not that they can change the situation by changing the old guard. Bro Wong, write about something else lah. Zahid Hamidi today whacked RPK for his article about Muslim detainees being denied their obligatory rights to conduct their congregation prayers on Friday whilst been detained under ISA. Now this is a much hotter topic to discuss...
If you are looking for populist Shahrizat the loser of Lembah Pantai will win Ketua Wanita ( with soft focus photo she looklike actress from bollywood) .
If you are looking for leadership and performance then Rafidah the arrogant and over confident will win the vote. take your pick.
The loser of Lembah Pantai lost against a young ciku Nurul? Then how can she be qualified to lead a whole big bunch of wanita? And Rafidah? I don't think TDM will allow her to be the head of wanita. Remember who is the boss of UMNO now.
Wasting time! Ridiculous for someone I thought would have at least some sense to bow out gracefully. Why run to leave in 3 months time. Stupid!!!
Sharizat vs Rapidah.....
I think, the current UMNO elections will be the most interesting ...ever....
AP Queen will try to defend her 'maruah', we will see what happens!!!!
my latest article-
An Exposé on Raja Petra Kamaruddin and the ''hidden-hand'' behind Malaysia Today **
Dear Datuk, (or assistant)
I came across something which I want to share with you. Please take it in the right spirit and with a positive attitude:
Honey I shrunk the Indians: "Not too long ago, prior to the Home Ministry banning Hindraf, they did the same again, and our mainstream media were complicit in aiding and abetting the government to demonise the movement." (Helen Ang a journalist I think who may even have worked under you before?)
If I did anything wrong please forgive me like what Jesus taught us:
"Master, how many times must I forgive my ???"
Jesus "77 x 7" or something like that.
I was told you are a Christian and very intelligent and you definitely would know what I am trying to get at.
Hello Chun Wai
An ending to a drama which we already knew.
Too little too late for Dollah to mediate. If Tun M comes in, it may be a different story.
It's not a race for Wanita Umno chief per se. These two will not be scrambling if not for a plum reward awaiting.
You think they bother just to fight for women.
It's a do-or-die fight for Rafidah to avenge Pak Lah for not retaining her ministerial post.
She's till fuming because Shahrizat who lost her MP seat got a special adviser post equivalent to a cabiner seat.
Note the "I will stay on if I win the post."
Yep lobby Najib to be a minister in lieu of being a Wanita Umno head.
A perfect closure for a "perfect' lady.
What say if she is apppointed ambassador to US or some special envoy just to appease her.
Make her feel ala Hillary Clinton. Agree??
Rafidah should be in Museum. Shahrizat lost the last election. how is she capable to lead Wanita? gosh what is happening to Umno delegates????
and yes we are so bored of this Umno election coverage.......especially the Wanita Umno.
And the winner is?
No one is bothered about this fight. At ths rate UMNO is going, it is on a fast destruct mode and UMNO will perish come the next elections. Nothing has been done to help the coming folks cope with the global finacial crisis and whats worst, no one in UMNO has got a gameplan how to deal with this economic tsunami...
First we have umno leaders who can't differentiate send and sent running for vp and now a loser in the general election going for the top post. 'ONLY IN MALAYSIA'
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