All politicians crave for publicity. They need it to justify what they are doing - either for the attention of their party bosses or their constituents. Or simply for their own ego, the joy of reading about themselves and to see their pictures in the newspapers or appearing on television. Nothing really wrong with that. Pride and satisfaction doesn't hurt. But something is terribly wrong when a Member of Parliament, who is regarded as a Yang Berhormat or the Right Honourable, regularly uses offensive words, sometimes even bordering on sedition. Vulgarity has also been uttered in the case of Pasir Salak MP Tajudin Rahman.
Malaysian Insider has correctly described him as rude, crude and obnoxious. This guy obviously has a problem. He should be called up by the Barisan Nasional whip Najib Tun Razak to be disciplined. He is an embarassment to the BN and if anyone talks to BN MPs, they will share the same sentiments. The question is how is that he can get away with it? Tajudin is doing the work of the opposition - delivering votes to the opposition everytime he opens his mouth in Parliament. Tajudin does not need to resort to such offensive antics to gain attention. When will we see maturity, substance and class among our MPs?
PS. Some readers have asked me about my position on Gobind Singh. I agree with them, his antics and statements are outrageous. He is less offensive than Tajudin but the DAP MP surely needs to conduct himself better. The "political street fighter" image, cultivated by his father, Karpal Singh, and Lim Kit Siang, may be popular during the 60s but in the age of Barack Obama, such image seems out of place.
For all the verbatim exchanges in Parliament, check out the Hansard which now has a record of the proceedings all the way back to 1960. For context, check out how MPs in the earlier Parliaments jostle with one another with non-offensive wit and repartee.
If Tajuddin is the face of Umno, then I feel sorry for the Malays. He is now regarded as a hero by Malays, just like pendatang hero Ahmad Rashid. Umno represents hatred, lies, idiocy, hypocrisy. Need I say more?
Really shameful to have such elements populating the august house. There is a Penang Malay description for this type of people - "tak pi sekolah"
Dream on for their maturity! They are going backwards, from bad to worse! And they call themselves LEADERS! Do Malaysians need these half-past six leaders? YOU DECIDE that for your children's future!
He farts through his mouth, they all do.
Pasir Salak folks should take note, we don't want to send smelly idiots to Parliament, and confirm to the world that Malaysia breeds idiots.
There were some clips last night showing the DAP strongman Mr. Gobind Singh in action. He too acted like a samseng, aimlessly poiting his fingers and challenging everybody in the house like a warlord. It came to no suprise that he was banned for two days from entering the house. These are trademarks of some of our MPs, regardles from which camp they are. Some of them simply have no manner, rude, arrogant and obviously low IQ.
This man is a pariah and the more he continues to open his filty mouth the more votes BN is going to lose. The House Speakers seems to be very lenient on this idiot while they show off their powers at the opposition. Wait a minute, they are appointed by the BN, so cannot take action against 'own people'. BN has not learnt their lessons yet. The People will teach them a lesson yet again.
I blame the Speaker for Tajuddin's 'kurang belajar'.
how can Malays worship fanatics and idiots like Tajuddin and Ahmad Ismail.
their acts are against the teachings of Islam
Sometimes the people who voted for him ought to be blamed too. Each term, we have such imbeciles in Parliament.
Worst than the cleaners in Parliament.
this MP must take up yoga...without mantra lah. i think he sakit otak; Poor najib ,he has too many issues and this idiot is one bloody nuisance for him...
Dear Wong,
This guy thinks by shouting offensive words and vulgarities in parliament, the rakyat will think he is a hero when he is actually a zero.
In fact, to many people he is an emotional, short-fused political eunuch who loses his temper easily and who cannot debate intelligently.
Your reader, Han2 has described him accurately,..TAK GI SEKOLAH.
why is it so difficult for the likes of tajudin and gobind to be civil?
why is there silence from the leaders of BN and BR on the behaviour of their men?
or is this all a game called msian politics?
Few refer to him as Tajudin Rahman anymore. Ask anyone, Tajudin who? The reply is always Tajuddin B...... with a smirk! A name of his own making. Only the stupid UMNO roughnecks consider him a hero, not the cultured UMNO people of whom there still remain a quiet few!
Anda silap langkah menafsir Tajudin ade yang tak kena.
Sebenarnya kaca mata anda dah berubah.
Dulu sebelum mac 2008 anda tak kata ape pun.
Sekarang, dah berat sebelah nak bidas Tajudin.
Tapi Wong sama dari dulu lagi ,dia berat sebelah kapda orang yang sepandapat dengan nya saje.
Kalau macam ni lah ketua pengarang akhbar bahase ingeris,anda tak perlu lah nak bodek sesiapa, memang anda gemar melaga laga kan satu sama lain.Kalau anda dari surat khabar bahase mandarin saya rase lagi banyak lah anda mengutuk Tajudin.
Yang tukang ulas pun sama, menbenci pekat kapada orang melayu.
Kacap lah lagi, lagi banyak anda himpun lagi baik bagi kami kerana sebutan dan semagat perkauaman anda kuat tebal dan pekat menajd tugu peringatan maya bagi kami semua.
arjuna waspada.
YES a blady IDIOT! And hey BlueMoon, don't try to deflect attention away from Tajudin. We know you are an UMNO cyber, so no use trying to confuse the matter.
The biggest idiot among these UMNO goons was Badrudin Amirudin till he was kicked out of Jerai on 8 Mar 2008. Then that goon from Kinabatangan Bung Mokhtar radin took over, adding obscenity and vulgarity to his extremist remarks. It appears Tajuddin is trying to outbid Bung Mokhtar to see who between them should be UMNO's biggest heroes! This whole bunch of UMNO idiots would have been banned from parliament in any other country, but in bolehland, they are revered because of UMNO's dirty politics!!!
many MPs and state assemblymen are unfit for their posts. that's the reality of malaysian politics.
This is result of inbreeding!!!!
What is wrong with him?
Nothing. There is nothing wrong with him. This is the standard for BN MPs especially UMNO. If not, how come no BN MP come out to sanction him.
There is a long list of such people:
-Tajudin Rahman (expletive fame)
-Ahmad Ismail (pendatang fame)
-Bung Mokhtar Radin (bocor fame)
This is good for the opposition in the next election.
Anonymous, 29/11, 12:27 AM
Deflection? The only person who's deflecting is WCW. His posting as usual one sided. Gobind Singh behaves like a charging rhino in the house and WCW conveniently ignores it. Gobind's father is no different. Karpal Singh used to label someone as "tiada otak" countless number of times. The same thing with Lim Kit Siang who is famous with his offensive words like "bodoh", "baloi", "malas" and "boroi". There is saying which goes like this: what you say is who you are. Obviously some of these MPs are more apt to be in the circus then in the parliament.
During the recent decade, Umno has consistently produced such colourful characters to champion their party. This is good since it helps the electorate know the real quality of Umno politicians.
Bluemoon, Wai is not one-sided. Wai is rational, unlike you. It's irrational people like you who hero-worship Tajuddin, who are giving the country a bad name. Gobind and Karpal are class acts. They are well-educated, unlike a lout like Tanjuddin and his Umno ilk. I pray Umno will be completely wiped out in the next election. Wiping out Umno is like getting rid of cancer. In the meantime I urge Chun Wai to stand up to Umno bigots, racists, morons, mutts.
The Speaker should have asked the security guards to evict Tajuddin from parliament. It is because this mad and vulgar man keeps getting away with it that he has become louder and more vulgar. In some sense he is representative of the image of UMNO,which is perceived as arrogant and irrational.
Sudahlah YB dari Pasir Salak
Sedarlah Budaya Melayu halus n bersajak
Jangan pula YB suka pula menyalak
Budibahasamu langsung tak bertanjak
I don’t know about other races and their cultures. But for Asians and Indians in particular, the word “bastard” is one of the most offensive terms to describe another person. At the very worst, it refers to somebody who does not know who his father is. By extension this casts his mother as woman of loose morals, who is likened to a prostitute entertaining all and sundry and could not know who has fathered a baby she might have carelessly conceived. A child born thus is stigmatized from birth and, in a bygone age, had to avoid situations where his heritage may need to be revealed. I cannot accept that Barisan MPs, and especially those from UMNO, don’t know the deep personal hurt and offence they cause when they hurl the epithet “bastard” carelessly at someone or anyone. Even more unacceptable and bewildering is the feigned ignorance of the Speaker and his Deputies who refuse to have the offender hauled up for severe disciplinary action.
Tajuddin is doing fine. The more he opens his mouth, the more we get reminded that we should vote out UMNO. UMNO is now full of arrogant people. I urge the press to give this Tajuddin fella more air time / printed space so that the people can continue to see what kind of "bas^@&3$" they have in UMNO, so that UMNO can continue to lose more votes. And I urge the STAR journalists to please plaster him with irritating questions so that he can "explode" during the press interviews. Itis good for your papers too, otherwise it is now quite boring to read the papers.
if tajuddin was from the other side of the floor, Amin would have suspended him the first time he uttered such crude language.
Age of Obama = Age of Phony
If you want to know what's wrong with him, just visit this link here:
Can someone tell me this Tajudin fler graduated from which school or university?
His brain is full of sexist ideas and I think we should tell our PM to allow two sexy or decent-looking female MPs (if they are available from the BN) to sit next to him in the parliament, preferably one on his right and another one on his left. Perhaps, this may cool his brain down ....
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