Bollywood actors are known prima donnas. They are notoriously famous for turning up late for their press conferences and concerts. Worse, they don't show up. So, it's no surprise that Shah Rukh Khan has said that he will not be able to receive his Datukship on Nov 29 due to his busy schedule. The Star reported that state officials are now trying to arrange for an alternative date. Good luck to them. This is all getting a little too much. Private investitures are usually reserved for VVIPs and we have already bent the rules for Shah Rukh Khan. Now, the ceremony has to be postponed. Even Chief Minister Datuk Seri Ali Rustam sounded peeved, saying reporters should ask his state secretary. The idea of giving the Datukship to the actor, it was reported, came from former finance minister Daim Zainuddin. It was to reward the actor for shooting a movie in Malacca, which had supposedly put the state on the tourism map. Don't we get this feeling that this Datukship thing is too small for this Bollywood megastar? If it was Queen Elizabeth putting the OBE on his chest, he would be in Buckingham Palace tomorrow.
im pretty sure location scouting and decision making for making the movie at Malacca is not solely dependent on Khan. So if Khan were to be given "Datukship", i guess the title should be given to the producer, director , EP, and also each and everyone of the people in the movie!!!. but im sure they are eager to see the news headline of Shah Rukh Khan received honoury title from Malaysia rather than the director of bla bla bla received datuk's title from Malaysia... well i guess giving the title to Paris Hilton will definitely create a much more better and catchy news headline instead... consider that please!
Hahaha. Serves the Melaka CM right! Can you imagine? It is like "begging" him to receive the title. If the Melaka CM has got any spine, he should just tell this SRK fella to either show up on time to receive the title, or go take a hike. Don't belittle the Datukship this way.
Ohhhh Khan...please come and collect our useless Datukship...pretty please.....
Yeah I like it. Datuk Paris or Datuk Hilton would create such a stir of curiosity that the whole world would want to know more about what is a "Datuk" and where "Melaka" is. But "SRK who?" is not going to get us anywhere. Anyway my point is that this Datuk SRK thing has become a joke. The Melaka CM should withdraw the Datukship offer and ask SRK to take a hike if he cannot show up. Melaka should have the dignity not to "beg" him to come.
With this episode how Ali Rastam want to position himself as the next Deputy Prime minister of Malaysia? i agreed with Irm if Melaka in dire need of publisity get Paris Hilton or Pamela or even Salma Hayek ( sound like from melaka ).
First of all, I don't understand how an editor of a national daily who supports the teaching of Science & Maths in English can repeatedly make glaring grammatical errors such as "we have already bend the rules..."
Secondly, the Melaka Govt must take all the blame for this fiasco. No Bollywood, Hollywood or Honkywood Star will cancel his filming contractual obligations to please a potsy state Govt here.
So, really, it is the duty of the CM and his PA to ensure the schedules are 100% confirmed and SRK is actually on his way before announcing the investiture. Otherwise, they will continue to get egg on their face from which like all BN MP's and big-wigs, they never seem to learn anything!!
let Dr Mahathir recieve the Datukship on behalf of Shah Rukh Khan.
I'm sure Mahathir wld love to represent Shah Rukh Khan, since Shah Rukh has done "so much " for tourism in Malaysia.
Represent him u racist ! Mayb he will give u a part as Osama in his next movie
Shouldn't they be embarrassed by now? I think they don't have the word "shame" in their dictionary. Don't they have a state to run rather than running after an actor who couldnt care less about this "award"?
Ali Rustam, when have you done anything right for Melaka. Now the whole bollywood will laugh at this Datuk SRK thing. Worse still, some bollywood fella may even make a movie out of it. Ali Rustam, the least you could do is to take back the offer. If you reschedule the award ceremony just for SRK, then you make Melaka look cheapskate. Please uphold the dignity of the Melaka state. We the people of Melaka still want to walk with our heads held high. Otherwise we all have to migrate to neighbouring Selangor, KL, NS or Johor to hide the shame.
I agree with Anonymous the the CM of Malacca deserves all the "embarrassment". This is a man who can tell the PPP to leave the BN if they are not happy and today it was reported in the papers that he said UMNO must take control of the govt to ensure that its policies are implemented. He got no #@%& for the other component parties in the BN. What a jack ass and he wants to be DPM - habislah negara kita
Being a native Malaccan, I'm utterly embarassed by this move by the CM to award the Datukship to Shah Rukh. Firstly, we shouldn't be blaming Shah Rukh for this whole thing. The decision of awarding him the accolade in the very first place reflects the stupidity and incompetence of the CM and his state government. And Chun Wai, the Queen will never in her wildest dreams confer him the OBE. She's much too intelligent for something so ridiculous. Datuk Seri Ali Rustam and the state government has made us all a laughing stock.
The Mellaka CM deserve this embarrassment. Shame on you a thousand times, Ali Rustam.
bukan Ketua Menteri yang menganugerahkan Datuk tapi Yang Dipertua Negeri - Khalil Yaacob. Pi marah kat dia.. dia yang rajin sangat bagi Datuk sampai dah takde nilai datuk dari Melaka.
Nowadays, people in America tend to view the title 'CEO' with wry humour, for good reasons. It is time for Malaysian politicians to wake up to the fact that the same sentiment is happening to the title 'Datuk' in Malaysia. A 'Datukship' no longer carries the same honour it used to carry in this country, let alone internationally. Too many incidents have show that 'Datukship' have been used for personal gains by those who have the power to recommend and those given the honour to carry.In fact many Datuks in the country have become the butt of jokes among the 'common' folks like you and me. Ali Rustam should get real and stop peeving about Khan's response to the award.
Mr Wong,
Really why pick on Shah Rukh Khan..there is no way he really cares as to what u have to say now about him being a prima donna or what not.
He was given a title by the Melaka govt and he knows that.
Due to some scheduling he is unable to make it, him being who he is..a much sought actor.
Whoever here can get upset or riled but srk knows he has been honoured though not everyone in Malaysia understands it all..so what?
Shah Rukh knows that he will always love Malaysia's hospitality inspite of the brickbats.
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