Updates: 3.10pm - Opposition to table vote of no confidence against PM
The word is that the Prime Minister is making a major announcement today. According to the Malaysian Insider, Pak Lah is expected to announce his succession plan. The report said that he would relinquish his posts as Prime Minister and Umno president in 2010 - two years from now. Quoting sources, it said Pak Lah is expected to talk about his plans when he meets over 900 Umno division leaders at the PWTC this afternoon. The Star also has a report on the leadership transition issue at the meeting.
Will he flip flop on the due date?
He is buying time to control his base
Now he knows he needs it
What is the better way to say by 2010?
By saying it
The tension of in-fighting will be stopped
Leaving him ample time to plan
He sees too many in-fighting
He doesn’t want to get involved
Ku Li shall not take it lightly
He knows he has no time gained
Two years from now he can kiss goodbye
His dream of becoming PM
Will the deputy wait?
Two years many events can happen
Currently his status doesn’t sound solid
Too many questions no answer available
The country needs upright leaders
AAB just wants some time
To consolidate his base to carry out his plans
I guess he plays out his second card…………
Let the branch leaders know
“See I have set my succession plan”
I wait for his flip flop decision
When something really happens in 2 years time
The current events have not settled down
The line of succession should be decided by the Rakyat
The country’s future lies in their hands
If the PM cannot do a good job when he received such a landslide majority in 2004, what makes one think he can do a better job this time around? It take less than 2 years to screw the economy, public security and investor confidence. The longer the lame duck PM stays the longer we suffer. Unfortunately the next in line is tainted, real or not. Perception is 100%. We need leaders who are beyond reproach and without blemish. Is that too much to ask? Yes, I reckon with the current political modus operandi where the best do not get to the top. Oh Malaysia, how long before we embark on the common sense road where we get leaders who really care for the people. I cry for Malaysia!
Anything can happen during this time as it is a long way -- two years. Well done! The Star good scoop on page 3. But, we can be rest assured the vote of no confidence will crop up every other month and pressure will be on PM. We hope the DPM relaxes and allows Pa Lah a graceful exit because he has got to prove his innocence.
Chun Wai,
PM stepping down in 2 years time, but I need to ask him - Just exactly what has he achieved since taking over from Dr. Mahathir?
Has he given us a more transperent Govt? A less corrupt Govt delivery system? A less corrupt Police Force, ACA or Judiciary?
What has happened to all his promises of reforms? What has happened to the "Work With Me Not Work For Me" slogan?
Has he given us a more fair, equitable and just Govt? Has he got the various races in Malaysia closer together to live, work and play as Malaysians?
And finally, has he made life better and less painful for the average Rakyat in coping with rising food and living costs?
All these we Malaysians will judge him and his tenure as PM.
As at now, my personal view is that he has failed the Rakyat miserablly.
Pak Lah must step down because he, as a leader of BN, must take responsibility for the poor performance of the party in the latest GE. I would personally respect him more if he steps down.
Having said that, I just wonder if things will really change when he steps down?
At the present moment, practically no one believes in the government anymore, unless of course you are a firm BN supporter.
Whatever the government do or say, it is always perceived to be untrue and cannot be trusted.
So if the government say let the police do the job, people will say that the police cannot be trusted. Likewise, if the government say take the matter to court, the people will say the courts are not independent.
When our government has that there is a rule of law, people will ask which rule of law are they talking about? The general perception is that there are 2 sets of law in our country depending on who you are.
When the government announce certain figures or statements, people will say that the figures or statements have all being manipulated to suit them.
With such a mistrust prevailing, how can any government function properly without getting screwed up everyday by its citizen?
So ok Pak Lah steps down, so what?
Personally, i don't think BN will gain its trust from the people just because the name of our PM has changed.
a longer wait now..
I am not a supporter of Anwar Ibrahim, never have been, but if Abdullah Badawi is going to stick clinging to the throne, then I'm going to throw my whole-hearted support for the first time in my life to Anwar Ibrahim to get him to be our first non-BN Prime Minister.
Malaysia deserves better. We have very poor choices among Badawi, Najib and Anwar. But Anwar is the least of the three evils.
Give it up man, Badawi! Your time has passed! If you insist on clinging to the throne, you are only exacerbating and making more and more Malaysians angrier every day and fed up with your ineffectual rule!
Datuk WCW,
The country is mired in crisis. We have a huge problem of political credibility amidst economic uncertainity.
The last thing we need now is a bitter struggle to wrest control of the government.
As such, any smooth transition should be welcomed, not condemned.
Two years appears like a long time and is likely to further anger those who have written off Abdullah's leadership.
The time set may well be a face-saving gesture. Abdullah is likely to leave the stage earlier, perhaps after delievering some of the promises he made in 2004 - cleaning up the judiciary, for example.
Malaysians are tired of the useless and endless politicking. We need to bring back a measure of stability for the country to survive the tough years ahead.
Give the transition two years to take place and let the Pakatan Rakyat politicians in power now also prove themselves during the period.
Mojo Filter
Boleh caya ke ?
Datuk Wong,
When it's time to go, just go lah.
Orang kata masa tak boleh di jual beli, so don't buy time lah.
Btw, does that thick-skinned, phony-haired Indian guy read your blog? Tell him to go also lah.
It seems that no one in the MIC-key party has the telur to tell him to buzz off. How are they goping to rebrand this cartoon of a party with the head clown still running the show.
Woi! Rebranding is not changing youth leader, uniform, shortening AGM dah. It should start with getting rid of the main problem. It's you lah.
There is no need to play it again, Sam. Dei, faham kah?
Ex-rumour monger, now fish monger
My God, another 2 years of misery and suspense with many SDs.
Unless AI can pull it of earlier.....................
Satu lagi kejutan? Satu tindakan yg tidak betul kerana sbg Perdana Menteri Malaysia - jawatan itu ada keistimewaanya dan bukannya perlu dijadikan satu permainan politik. Bagaimana org akan menghormatinya sbg PM sekiranya rakyat sudah dlm tempoh 2thn dia akan letak jawatan. Jgn memperjudikan jawatan PM.
Sdr Wong, Kita sbg rakyat Malaysia kena menghormati perlembagaan negara dan juga pandangan semua pihak. Sepatutnya isu peralihan kuasa tak perlu wujud kerana desakan dari UMNO. Kerana perlu ada semangan BN. Bagaimana rakyat akan memberikan mandat kpd PM sekiranya dia nak umum letak jawatan?
It's the economy, stupid!
Ini satu tindakan yg tidak betul dan tiada relevan langsung kerana jawatan PM perlu ada immunitinya bukan untuk dijual beli macam di pasar borong. masyarakat Malaysia jgn di perbodohkan.
malam tadi semasa perjumpaan dgn UMNO KL Pak Lah nampak lebih bersemangat. Jgnlah kita nak bincangkan isu peralihan kuasa setiap kali kerana hanya buang masa.Banyak kerja lagi kita kena buat selepas PRU. Jangan desak PM kerana dia memang sedang melakukan yg terbaik utk negara dan rakyat. Kami tidak mahu unsur2 peralihan kuasa ini kacau agenda reform Pak Lah.
kemanakah hala tuju negara selepas ini? isu anwar dan najib pun tak selesai lagi tapi kita dah sibuk pasal peralihan kuasa? Jgnlah gadaikan maruah negara dgn erti kata peralihan kuasa. Ini bukan masanya.
isu seperti ini tak perlu timbul at all kerana kita kena fokus kpd pembangunan negara bukanya pembangunan peralihan kuasa yg tidak menguntungkan mana2 pihak !
Pak Lah is very smart to come to announce that he will step down in 2010.He knew that Najib is having problem with his integrity with regard to the case of Altantuya and the public would not want a person with tarnish image to be the future PM.As his position of PM is safe at the moment,he would next come out with delaying tactic in 2010 as I believe Najib would fade in the political scene then and no one of course to challenge him.
Natijah daripada apa yang berlaku mengenai keputusan Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (AAB) ini ialah menunjukkan betapa BODOH-nya orang-orang Melayu yang menjadi ahli UMNO. Mereka tidak peduli atau sengaja memekakkan telinga dan membutakan mata tentang apa yang rakyat inginkan ketika ini.
Ternyata post penulis terdahulu di http://fikirlahsendiri.blogspot.commengenai Ketua Bahagian telah pun 'dibeli' oleh Kumpulan penyelamat AAB kelihatan benar.
Kenapa penulis menyatakan betapa BODOH-nya orang-orang UMNO? Kerana selagi mereka membiarkan si AAB memegang kerusi Presiden dan menjadi Perdana Menteri, selagi itulah kuasa UMNO lama kelamaan akan terhakis malah besar kemungkinan akan lupus sebaik keputusan Pilihanraya Umum ke 13 diumumkan. A Lu Fikirlah Sendiri wahai ahli UMNO yang BODOH sebodohnya.
I do not appreciate seeing my comments being filtered out. These are valid statements and expressions of anger and annoyance at the continuous clinging of Badawi to the throne.
Please publish my comments. Thank you.
This is the RIGHTS of the RAKYAT to choose who shall be the Prime Minister. The is the RIGHTS of the RAKYAT to cast their votes on the right candidate. The is the RIGHTS of the RAKYAT to decide who shall be the right person to lead the country.
It is by no means a Prime Minister is allowed to pass down his PMship to another person whom he likes or pleased. When this happens it clearly shows that they are doing it for their personal gains by sacrificing ALL OUR RIGHT! RAKYAT RIGHTS! Where is the democracy for RAKYAT to choose their Prime Minister?
Do we RAKYAT want Najib to be the next Prime Minister? Let's RAKYAT decide NOT UMNO!
Dear Paklah,
Giving a two-year notice to quit your job is not exactly healthy for the nation. For the next two years, you will see all sorts of wannabies jostling for position.
In the process, you will become a lame duck PM. On the other hand, this could be a major ploy to test Najib to see if he can sustain to claim the position as he is under tremendous duress currently.
Under normal circumstances, you give a year at the most.
Now Malaysian have to brace for more politicking, especially within Umno and Umno Youth in particular. I believe the "deal" involves KJ's role to be prominent.
AAB, can you at least give your Finance Minister portfolio up before that? You can hang on to the PM post, but give up the other post... pretty please?
it is confirmed now, in Star front page.
If the PM REALLY carry through and let the ACA prosecute all the corrupt government officials of all ranks, especially the big fishes and big guns of UMNO, and put them in jail, then we will be happy for him to stay another 10 years or more. But if he is not sincere about it, and just doing smoke screen, then we want him and BN out now.
Sun Tzu, you son of a gun..
Think most of us got overly excited, caught up with all the ‘Change’ euphoria, before and after the 08 GE. So much so that we’ve been blinded. Between what we want & what is happening, right & wrong, good & bad. Almost as though as we have forgotten the real reason we casted the ‘Against’ vote.
It is easiest for a person to abandon a sinking ship. In this sense, for Pak Lah to step down after BN and UMNO’s dismal performance. Quit and avoid further embarrassment, further criticism , further attacks. Attacks not only from external parties but also from hungry vultures from within scrambling for bits of power and personal benefits.
But being a true leader, quitting when the going gets tough is the worst thing to do.
As a boss in any company, when we leave, we need to think about the livelihood, future of those under our care. Like a father in a broken marriage do we just walk out and think about ourselves?
Where we often criticize people who commit suicide when faced with daunting problems, we have failed to even see Pak Lah’s case in the same light. A person who takes their own lives, leaves those around them, loved ones, families, friends in even worst quandaries. It takes a strong and selfless man to stand up, face the adversaries and overcome or at least fight till the very end.
In this aspect I salute and respect your undying spirit, sacrifice Pak Lah.
Where BN and UMNO suffered badly, we need to also remember that this coalition and still represents close to 2/3 of Malaysians. I cannot fathom a scenario where this 2/3 goes headless, unguided if you’ve quit like any other irresponsible leaders after the GE
Yes it’s tough, facing a lot of naysayers and non believers everyday, but stay strong and show us why u deserved the large mandate from 04 election.
We’ve improved on the international corruption index, efforts have started, push on.
We’ve become one of the most sought after business destinations and expat retirement home for many great reasons under your leadership. Show us more, don’t be de-motivated by the doings of those selfish vultures out there.
Just wanted to end by reminding all that if there’s someone we need to thank for the newfound press/media freedom, cleaner and more efficient public service, more fertile growth for political growth…………it’s you.
But don’t become contended, push on.
Where Tun M was illustrious in his time. I firmly believe that you are capable of leading us in this different times!
Now push on and show us what you are truly made of!
Never thought much about Pak Dozelah before.
VK lingam not his time, bully judges not him.
if he wanted to ensure a SURE win election he wouldn't have released Anwar, have DSAI in there for another 10 years?
He would've ISA the hell out of many reporters
He could've fake many phonatom votes.
But in the end he didn't, and he lost badly.
So, got me thinking.....Pak Dozelah is not that bad anyways, am thinking of calling him Pak Nicelah soon.
But really think again.....another Tun M and we'll all be silenced for another 25 years. There are pros and cons, but really the Rakyat have only been truly empowered under Pah Dozelah...oooops sori Pak Nicelah
ya tak ye jugak
hmmmm, conpuis betul.
but, rasa pak dollah ni boleh harap jugak.
kalau encik hisapmuddin and harry tak buat kacau bilau,
rasa rasa kebelakangan ok gak.
tapi pak dollah, pls be soft with rakyat but Keras maksima dengan ahli parasit UMNO
sedara WCW, u r making sum sense.... harap betul the rest rasa the same gak
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