Selangor PAS Youth is furious that rock queen Ella and dangdut queen Mas Idayu have been invited to perform at the Sultan of Selangor Cup on July 6. The movement is upset and presumably hot that these two even hotter artistes would be performing before the annual football match between Selangor and Singapore. Selangor PAS Youth chief Sallehen Mokhyi has described the two artistes as unsuitable and would have "an effect" on youngsters attending the match. Why only youngsters, why not middle aged and older politicians? PAS Youth has threatened to demonstrate at the stadium if the organisers decide to go ahead with the performance. The organisers should go ahead with the show and not submit to the threats of these Little Mullahs. Just last week, the national PAS Youth wing said it wanted all states under Pakatan to implement syariah laws.
PAS people are all hypocrites.
come on PAS. This is not Kelantan. This is Selangor. Please wake up. Nothing wrong there but just some entertainment for the public
By not saying anything, it proves one thing that Anwar Ibrahim approves of what the little mullahs are doing.
When I voted for an opposition candidate in the last GE, the first time I have done so in all my years as a voter, I did not do so to see this country turn into an Islamic state, a Malay even though I am.
I am secularist. I believe people should live as one in their diversity with none enforcing their beliefs and culture on the other.
Pakatan, please ask Pas to leave the coalition.
Chun Wai,
I say, let Ella and Mas perform - why deny them their right to perform to earn a living?
Let their fans enjoy their songs and dance - why deny them their right to be entertained?
Let PAS Youth demonstrate - why deny them their right to demonstrate to show their oppposition to the songs and dance as performed by Ella and Mas?
But one thing I do not support on your blog is the constant postings of news and events that reflect negatively on the Opposition Parties. I don't expect the STAR publication to cover in great detail events like the mammoth gathering at Penang Stadium last Sunday evening, where Penangites showed up in thousands in support of the PR State Govt. But I thought you at least as a journalist would say something objective in your blog.
But again, I respect your right to post whatever you deem 'right to post' as this blog belongs to you.
PAS has its dreams
About Islamic country
About Hudud Laws
About things Islamic and its ways
PAS party I am afraid
The leaders are still consistent on display
The ideals they wish to implement
If they ever rule the nation
Look PAS can’t run by itself
They don’t have the sufficient MPs
They want to give priority to its ideals
Cooperating with others
They have to give up certain objectives
Islam if these leaders learn it well
It is about compromise and submission
For the better good of everybody
In a multi-religious circle
They are given their roles to play
What got to do with PAS ideals?
These little chickens should go back to learn
Restudy its forms and understanding it well
For there are entertainers in God’s world too
In Holy Quran it is said
There are beautiful maidens for the pious ones
Drink wine to soothe the minds
Don’t tell me Allah forget about entertainment?
PAS Youth leaders miss the objectives
Entertainment relaxes the souls and minds
Nobody wants to stuck in the 4 walls
Listening to the crap without a gateway
To listen to some entertainers
Glorifying the souls…….
dude....PAS ppl put more effort on how to improve malaysia economy dont talk nonsense on this small matter any more. I have a suggestion to PAS ppl, why dont you enforce ALL Muslim MALE to blind fold your eyes while walking out of the house. In this matter, ladies safety wont be threaten.....or maybe handcuffed so your itchy hand wont do bad THINGS.....come on ...be fair to ladies....btw i'm a male...I respect all ladies rights and dignity. Why dont PAS ppl think of measure which is imposed on MALE rather than to FEMALE.
ella and mas are barely sexily dressed, not by any standard. come on, one is a ROCK queen and one a dangdut queen...how scantily dressed can either be? get real pas. you should just that your movement and go PASs out somewhere else outside the world. You must be a real boring no life bunch to not know how even to appreciate the fine things in life. geezzz.
I see nothing wrong with these two entertainers. If PAS wants to ban their performances, then ban also many TV shows, movies, and all kinds of entertainment everywhere. Let Malaysians enjoy a little lah after so much anger in the fuel hike recently! Relaxlah bro!
PAS ada prinsip..menyeru kepada amar makruf dan mengcegah kemungkaran....
sebagai sebahagian dari pakatan rakyat kami hak menyuarakan hak kami...Pas bukan mengharamkan semua hiburan..hiburan yang ditentang adalah hiburan yang mendatangkan masalah moral kepada remaja...kamu membela artis..tidakkah kamu mengetahui bahawa artislah yang menyokong kuat barisan nasional..
jangan sekali-sekali menghina prinsip kami..
What had made PAS think people would flood the stadium in the presence of Ella and Mas Idayu? Judging by the number of people watching live football in the stadium, then, one cannot help but conclude that Malaysian's football is a dying sport. Neither Ella nor Mas Idayu can change this.
I believe that Islam like all other main stream religions preaches tolerance, open-mindedness, and respect for others. However it is the extremists that always bend the teachings to fit their own agenda in this case political greed. I am born and brought up in the land of kebayas. Now these are great looking apparels that bring out the best of the feminity in the wearer. However I don't remember mass rapes and outrage of modesty to these wearer of kebayas. At one time that seems to be not so long ago, bare legs, sphagetti straps and micro mini skirts and hot pants were in fashion and I used to wear them myself those days.
During physical exercise class in schooldays, my classmates and I wear shorts for our activities. None of our male schoolmates outrage our modesty or take advantage of us. Instead it is an acceptable and appropriate apparels for sports. Though at that time all of us were teenagers with hormones raging we are well taught to respect each other, acknowledge our physical and sexual differences yet keep our hormonal urges in check! During biology, health science and civics lessons, amongst the many things, we were taught the facts of life and how to deal with them appropriately and with respect, certainly not to deny that sex doesn't exist and keep everything under wraps. NOW THAT IS EDUCATION!.
Nowadays, with Pengetahuan Moral being taught from primary to tertiary level, it seems that time have gone back to the dark ages. People like PAS Youth #2 is the evidence! They are so narrow minded that they think that controlling how women dressed and keeping separate check out counters are the only national issues. Mind you, they really need more education on the ways of life!
Abis kalau artis tu sokong BN apa masalahnya? dia masuk neraka? ke orang yang tengok artis tu perform masok neraka?
Kalau artis tu sokong PAS, boleh la kita tengok sebab kita boleh masok syurga sekali?
I believe that Islam like all other main stream religions preaches tolerance, open-mindedness, and respect for others. However it is the extremists that always bend the teachings to fit their own agenda in this case political greed. I am born and brought up in the land of kebayas. Now these are great looking apparels that bring out the best of the feminity in the wearer. However I don't remember mass rapes and outrage of modesty to these wearers of kebaya. At one time that seems to be not so long ago, bare backs, sphagetti straps, micro mini skirts and hot pants were in fashion and I used to wear them myself those days. My dignity have never been outraged.
During physical exercise class in my schooldays, my classmates and I wear shorts for our activities. None of our male schoolmates outrage our modesty or take advantage of us. Instead it is an acceptable and appropriate apparels for sports. Though at that time all of us were teenagers with hormones raging we are well taught to respect each other, acknowledge our physical and sexual differences yet keep our hormonal urges in check! During biology, health science and civics lessons, amongst the many things, we were taught the facts of life and how to deal with them appropriately and with respect, certainly not to deny that sex doesn't exist and keep everything under wraps. NOW THAT IS EDUCATION!.
Nowadays, with Pendidikan Moral being taught from primary to tertiary level, it seems that time have gone back to the dark ages. People like PAS Youth #2 is the evidence! They are so narrow minded that they think that controlling how women dressed and keeping separate check out counters are the only national issues. Mind you, they really need more education like those of my younger days in order to grow up as gentlemen and not some barbaric cavemen who couldn't keep their lusts in check and in due course forced to create a sterile world around them in order for them to behave!
Now, if PAS Youth #2 and their likes are interested to be future leaders of Malaysia, then please focus on real issues such as how to get Malaysia out of the present economic dilemma of spiralling living costs, fight corruptions, enforce good governance and put Malaysia gloriously on the world map as a Nation of the people, by the people for the people.
Hello People of the Soil,
Take it easy, it was a suggestion, remember its a free country.
Everyone/Anyone can voice their opinion, are we gonna scream and shout everytime some goon says something silly ke ke ke
BN has been screwing all of us regardless of race the last 50 yrs and none of us could voice our 1/4 cents worth he he he.
I love the blogs, at last semua Malaysian boleh taruh sama si "pandai and bodoh" lol, i believe over time maybe in the next few years, politicians will be very careful in what they utter.
hey, be thankful that all us can tembak, who ever we want.
Dont get carried away la
Why worry bout Ella,Bila or Gila, all of us not going to be there anyways.
I don't see anything wrong with what PAS had requested.
Similar to what police do, they were only trying to uphold the principles of Islam.
Cops uphold the law by arresting and issuing tickets to people who break the law. Similar to that, PAS just want to uphold Islamic principles, by not allowing Ella and Mas Idayu to go through with their performances. Both are Muslim, and the majority of people who will attend the football tournament will be Muslims, so I don't see anything wrong with their request.
Cops uphold the laws of Malaysia. PAS just want to uphold Islamic principles.
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