Hannah Yeoh, the Subang Jaya assemblyman, has been banned from attending her school's prefects' reunion. She said her alma mater, SMK Subang Utama has been forced to withdraw the invitation presumably because she is from the Pakatan Rakyat. Hannah said she has been told by the organisers that the event would be cancelled if she turn up. This is ridiculous. Surely, as the pride of her school, she's a natural choice as the guest of honour. If the Education Ministry wants to be sticky about this, then a directive that says no politics from guests should be issued. That would be acceptable. Do they need the students to tell them what democracy is all about and the choice of the rakyat must be respected, no matter how painful it is to them? When the students hear about this stupid ruling, what would they be talking about in their school and their homes? There are already grumblings from PR elected representatives in other states, too.
What does this latest incident and all the other previous incidents tell all of us??? It tells us that we are ruled by a bunch of goonies who are sore losers. No pride, no dignity, no shame but worse of all, no brains! Yes, I am talking about all those BN goonies...
I can tell you people what is to come next pertaining to Hannah case.. the Education ministry will say there is no such ruling, the school will say there is a misunderstanding... than the ugly piece of shit we call education minister will try to be sarcastic and pull a setengah masak stunt that might just implicate that perhaps Hannah is overly sensitive because it is the time of the month or some shit like that la.. And there goes.. divert all the attention, have all the women clan verbally bludgeon him. Oh no.. it doesnt stop there... The education Minister, yes, that ugly piece of shit... must come out looking like a hero, will come out to say that the press/media had misquoted him... He didnt meant it that way.. it was taken out of context, yadda, yadda, yadda..
At the end, such childish discrimination will be forgotten.. See! I too have learnt this BN SOP to counter bad publicity by heart! Can someone tell BN that they need a new "save their asses in case of shit" SOP?? I am bored. No fun anymore!
Isn't it ridiculous that Hannah, who is probably going back as a former student, is getting penalised for her political leaning? The Education Ministry ought to be "congratulated" for "educating" our schoolgoing children that they would not be able to go back to their former schools for reunions if they support the "wrong" political party. So. Utterly. Ridiculous.
The school should welcome and celebrate her being a young and vibrant politician who cared for her community! There are already too many scum bags around nowadays that Malaysians are so disgusted with!
First of all we should blame Hishamudin that he had issued an order to all govt shcools that non-BN reps cannot do official functions there.
Secondly, why not the school prefects and alumni prefects meet outside, it will shut the mouth of the headmistress.
Ironically, the 5 Pakatan states are ruling govts! So why can't the state govts involved in the affairs in the states?
BN takes us back wards with its back ward thinking and out dated believes and policies
These ppl really pick on the pettiest matter ever. i reckon they shud really get a life. so pathetic and boring. again and again they be picking at the same issues..dont they get bored?? we are soo bored of it, hearing it, talking about it..everything! bored bored bored. lets talk about chicks and cars and booze! geez.
chics, cars and booze ? you must be crazy........ it's a No No in Malaysia....
We dont condone all these, lip stick and high heels itself Malaysian men walk with a hard on...
Our sexual urges are just too great, we need the Government to control our urges...
Thank You Government !
I was involved in the PTA for many years and the best years were those when we had a chairman who himself felt there was no need to have ADUNs, MPs, or other politicians to grace the school events. Often, these people do not even have their children in our school yet they want to show up and deliver their political message.
Unfortunately, this is not the case in most schools and not only PTA officials but HMs themselves go out of the way to invite these politicians into the schools. The motive is often to get the right connections so that grants can be given to help the school.
This is why schools with the right invitees often develop with fantastic facilities as many things can be granted on the spot.
Post March 8, the department has taken out its directive, which is actually not new, forbidding these people to be there without their permission. However, as everyone knows, when BN was fully in control, this directive never mattered.
To Hannah, continue to help your school. Ispire the alumni. Such actions by little Napoleans will only ensure that you get a second term, or a third. Relax, no need to be too upset.
The actions of BN is quickening the transition from unitary system to federalism.
I fully support you, please send a directive to all schools. No politician or religion in school.
What do you expect from kerispudding? Ridiculous!
I suggest that all the prefects of the affected school should "down tools", and quit as prefects! yes, do a boycott. The schools have have no more prefects giving their free services to the schol. The headmaster can go do the prefecting himself.
If education Ministry is one of the top 5 spender in 2008, it is a challenge to think what the money is spent on?
Support Hannah.
Apabila membaca laporan tersebut Wilayahkini teringat liputan bergambar beberapa Ahli Parlimen daripada Pakatan Rakyat menaiki basikal kononya sebagai tanda protes kenaikan harga minyak.Sepertimana kata Menteri DI JPM perangai perangai bukan sahaja kebudak - budakan tetapi satu " Publisti Murahan".Sekiranya mereka betul - betul berniat untuk memprotes mereka perlu membuktikan keiklhasan mereka dengan cara yang betul dan benar- sekurang- kurangnya seminggu menaiki basikal ke sidang Parlimen.Ini tidak, hanya sekejab untuk meraih simpati publisiti murahan di media massa.Kami harap, pengamal media massa perlu berfikir secara rasional dalam menangani isu - isu ini seperti ini kerana kita perlu mengekalkan standard dan mutu surat khabar kita dan bukanya memberi ruang kepada mereka yang cuba bertindak seperti kebudak - budakan dan publisiti murahan.
Isu tersebut tidak banyak berbeza dengan isu yang melibatkan ADUN Subang Jaya - Hannah yang dilarang hadir dan juga merasmikan majlis " Bekas Pengawas " disekolah yang pernah dibelajarinya dulu malah beliau peranh menjadi Ketua Pengawas di Sekolah tersebut- ini semua gara - gara beliau merupakan Adun dari Pakatan Rakyat- dan paling mengejutkan ianya merupakan arahan dari Jabatan Pelajaran.Apa sudah jadi? Sepatutnya sekolah tersebut perlu bertuah kerana dalam usia yang muda seorang bekas pelajarnya telah menjadi wakil rakyat dikawasan persekolahan mereka dan kita pun tahu Hannah sebagai seorang bekas pelajar tahu membezakan politik dan majlis sekolah.Takkanlah dia nak memberikan ceramah Pakatan Rakyat di Majlis Pengawas tersebut.Kita semua mengetahui Pengawas mempunyai jati diri disiplin yang tinggi nilainya, dan apatah lagi Hannah sebagai bekas Ketua Pengawas.
Sepatutnya Kementerian Pelajaran perlu bertindak rasional dan bukanya kebudak - budakan disini.Sekiranya mereka serius, maka Menteri Pelajaran perlu serius menetapkan satu keputusan drastik ala reformasi pendidikan dengan menghalang mana - mana ahli politi hadir ke majis sekolah , ini termasuk dari BN mahupun Pakatan Rakyat.Jangan jadikan sekolah sebagai medan berpolitik dan tunjuk kekuatan politik- kerana ianya tidak mencerminkan konsep BN yang sebenar.Kepada, Hannah, jangan risau dan ambil peduli.Mungin ada hikmahnya tersendiri dari episod tersebut.
PS: Nota kepada Hannah - Wilayahkini juga tertarik dengan gaya Hannah.Teruskan perjuangan !
The current govt is a bunch of sore losers and are seeking revenge on all areas. The fuel increase and now cancellation of project in PR states. What a shame.
This is to ALL HMs and Teachers
YOU'RE to conduct yourselves in the business of teaching, period.
If you feel strongly about your political stand then just quit.
HANNAH, and the former prefects of your school, I got a SOLUTION for you.
For an alumi association ( of ex prefects, or alumni ). This is a private organization outside the control of the school. The association can then organise the gatherings outside of the school compound, and can be in hotel, club, restaurants, etc, out of the nosy reach of the Headmaster or MOE goons.
And if you folks happen to collect donations for the school, I suggest you better not place the money in the hands of the pro-BN headmaster. Use the charity money to spend directly on the intended receipient (scholarships, free books, etc).
Yeah, the alumni/ex-prefect association can decide if it wants to invite the headmaster, not the other way around. You don't need the school hall. Do it in a club or hotel ball room or restaurant. It is the company of the people that is important.
Capitalism democracy is a form of government that enable the consumer part of the society to rise up in power, to leech themselves onto the productive workforce of the society, to suck out the juicy labour of these productive workforce and to waste and strip the earth's resources for their own survival.
These consumer society is called "Manusia Negatif" or "Yin" people.
Who are they?
They are the bankers, business-owners, property developers, insurance agents, merchants, traders, finance executives, stock brokers, importers-distributors, sales&marketing executives, economists, accountants, auditors, media executives, advertising executives, PR exectutives, entertainers, journalists, lawyers, etc..
They produce nothing concrete but only papers with words and number figures on it.
The most extreme of them are called Ultra-right wingers, those who seek political power and wield influence by using capital.
If Mao Tze Tung were still alive, he would describe them as "Paper Tigers".
Their source of power is coming from Bankers who create paper money out from thin air.
So naturally, these Bankers are on the same side with the insurance agents or stock brokers or equity traders because they are doing the same business, selling papers.
It is very, very, very easy for these capitalists to create and sell papers such as loans, shares, stocks, insurance policies, debts, securities, etc than doing real productive work like making physical goods.
The whole Western banking-finance services is nothing but a big scam, designed to leech off, cheat and rob the productive workforce of their labours.
Banking and finance institutions of Western world has been institutionalized starting in Great Britain in 1694, USA and Canada in 1913.
The true wealth of a nation are the goods and services created from the productive workforce of its society and money is just a medium of exchange for these transactions.
Now you know why private schools are growing like mushrooms. They charge a lot but yet enrollment is always full. My child is going to a private school too. That's why I cannot afford to have more children ... but hey, that's the price I pay unfortunately for staying in this country. P/s. All my Malay friends children also going to private schools lah. What does that tell us.
The size of the ostrict's brain is equal to those idiots in the Education Ministry!
EX-PREFECT ASSOCIATIONS belongs to EX-PREFECTS! So, Hannah, you folks of ex-prefects can choose whether to invite the HM to your get-together or not. You can also choose to invite the current prefects, and they are also perfectly free to choose to attend or not. It is a private function, and not a school or state function. You guys got a stupid HM in that school.
Hannah, come on my dear. You should say to Hishamuddin something. Aloo Hisham if you are opposition now im not allowed you to use the road that im tarred now?? What do you think Hannah... speak up..
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