I hope the AP report, which appeared in the NST today, isn't correct. The report, quoted a Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage Ministry official, as saying that it has cancelled a concert by Avril Lavigne. The reasons - it is unsuitable for Malaysian culture, should not be held two days before the National Day, untimely and not in the spirit of National Day. This is the biggest bull I have ever heard. It's simple, the ministry has caved in to the demands of PAS. Is the ministry telling us that one FT PAS official, Kamarulzaman Mohamed, makes this difference? Just because this chap tells us that Avril is "too sexy" for us. Please lah. My colleagues have told me that the organisers are still insisting the concert would go on and there is still no official statement from the ministry but certainly Malaysians do not need such suspense. This is the second victory for FT PAS in a row. The first was the ban on dangdut singer Inul. Only the Sultan of Selangor dared to stand up against PAS, which wanted to stop the Mas Idayu-Ella performance. Last night, the AP report made it around the world. We know pop concerts are staged at every Merdeka countdown, so the excuses given are pretty pathetic. At the rate we are going, we might as well ban MTV and Channel V on Astro - which could be next if our leaders are sucking up to the Mullahs for political favours. This is what happens when the government is weak. Next, we would have to burn our television sets because the attire of the Olympics athletes are too revealing and too sexy. Maybe we should learn to wear the turbans and learn how to ride camels from now. Remember, Hadi is the PM in waiting.
I'm disgusted at the reasons given for the cancellation. Should we just hop over to Singapore for future concerts?
Dear Dato ,
I remembered that in 1996 concert by Rod Sterwerd was canceled due to being to close to merdeka . It's was not cancelled bcos of PAS . So BN is more naive than PAS ?
You are absolutely right Dato! We, the rakyat have to speak out or lose out! Keep up with the good write-ups and help us make our stand against the extremism that is creeping into our country. Remember the pen is mightier than the sword!
This is absurd!. How long are we going to live in a cave isolated from the real world. Don't you think at 51 years old, we are able and mature enough to see the difference between right and wrong.
Anywhich way, have you seen our youth's dressing in KL these days? makes Avril look like a nerd.
Really, is this how Pakatan Rakyat country looks like?. We are an embarassment to the world!. Moderate Islamic country...don't make me laugh!
Apa yang nak kecoh sangat ni dato'?. Inilah masalah sentiasa berpura-pura.
You rasa kita boleh selamatkan moral anak-anak kita dengan menghalang artis antarabangsa datang ke Malaysia?.
Bagaimana pula dengan rumah-rumah urut yang tersusun di KL? Kelab Karaoke yang banyak menjadi majikan kepada gadis muda kita?.
Yang kecil dibesarkan, yang besar dikecilkan.
Masih mahu berpura-pura
We have rules and regulation right. She can performe here but ask her not tu put sexy cloth la... Whats the prblem?
No matter what a woman looks like, if she's confident, she's sexy. Just to to Bukit Bintang... you can see more sexy girls the.
my goodness me.
We are now officially the laughing stock of the world. How can we expect to the the education and economic hub of Asia when we keep following the extremist lines set by PAS?
There are things we can, and we can't do. This is not part of the latter. It does not reflect the sentiment of real Malaysians.
Mengarut betullah bother Chun Wai. Takkan nak panggil Agong settlekan pulak hal ini?
Cuba tengok sambutan Merdeka di Kelab Kelab dan Pub Pub sekitar bandar bandar di Malaysia. Adik Avril pon kalah!
Malaysian knows what is right and what is wrong… Come on it’s just a performance by an international artist. Then we should segregate men and women like in Kelantan.
Then we should stop all international female performer from performing in Malaysia.
Define sexy???
If that is the case, then the concert should go on for Chinese and Indian only. Fair?
As a moderate Islamic country, the government should also look at the need from other not just the Muslim. We want to go to concerts. Stop being narrow minded. Without the concerts we still see sexy ladies in KL.
Is wearing skimpy attire allowed in Christianity? No wonder Hadi Awang got confused between Christians and Westerners, as stated by a letter to the editor today.
Bro, where can I buy a camels?
Yes, Yes, Yes, we should all learn to wear turbans, skull caps and long flowing gowns. Import camels from the Middle East and have an orientation course. Get rid of the TVs, cinemas and all entertainment outlets. Lock up all the ladies inside the house.
God forbid the day when Hadi becomes PM of Malaysia.
Saya setuju dengan pandangan Sdr Wong mengenai isu tersebut.
Apakah yang sudah terjadi? Kenapa kita masih main tarik tali dalam isu seperti ini?
Pihak penganjur sudah tentu bersusah payah untuk mendaptkan hak penganjuran dan sudah tentu mereka tahu bagaimana untuk menganjurkan konsert tersebut mengikut rentak yang sesuai di Malaysia.
Sering kali, pihak Pas menjadi dalang.Mereka terlalu ekstrem untuk mengejar publisti murahan.Mereka terlau taksub.Terlau ego dan terlalu bertindak liar tanpa siasat.Mereka melakukan apa sahaja untuk mendapatkan publisiti murahan.Isu seperti ini bukan sahaja menjejaskan nama Malaysia di prasada antarabangsa malah memberikan satu imej yang negatif kepada industri pelancongan negara.Dahlah Anwar Ibrahim saban hari memberikan pelbagai tanggapan negatif mengenai Malaysia, ini pula pemimpin serpihan seperti Ketua Pas WP yang seringkala mahu jadi hero murahan dengan mengunakan pendekatan bantahan dan memorandum.Inikah sikap sebenar pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat.
Mereha hanya dapat berlagak.Bagi mereka,semua yang mereka lakukan semuanya betul.Di manakah justikasinya?
Penganjuran konsert juga sudah mula dipolitikkan oleh pihak Pas.Ini belum lagi berkuasa penuh, hanya tuhan yang tahu apakah yang akan berlaku sekiranya pemimpin Pas menjadi Perdana Menteri.
Semoga rakyat Malaysua terselamat dari cengkaman Pas dan Anwar Ibrahim- mereka hanya pentingkan diri sendiri.Terlalu angkuh.Mereka berhujah - seolah - olah merekalah tuhan maha berkuasa.Insaflah wahai rakyat Malaysia.Esok masih ada lagi...
Must buy lottery, WCW... for once I see eye to eye with you! What a wild and wonderful country we live in... :-)
If we don't start speaking out against perverts like these, pretty soon they will even take ENYA away when they start imagining seeing what they think.
It is not funny. Perverts are dangerous for our country and to small children everywhere.
Is it safe to bring our kids near people like Kamarulzaman and his peer-verts? Should we also ban perverts?
I have daughters and to me Avril is a successful example of what young people can strive to achieve if they put their minds and hardwork to it.
Sexy? Umm. Attractive, yes. Is the sexy part in the heads of the propagators? YES.
Are we recycling the stupid rhetoric that school uniform is sexy and the primitive ruling to fine women with lipstic? We seemed to be competing, and the dimension of that competition is towards the sinking of pluralist thinking, maturity and intellectual prowess.
The banning of that concert, at this material time, constitutes admittance that that concert is wrong judged by Malaysian’s values. And for that, we have to debate what is Malaysian values and what are the wrong elements of the concert vis-à-vis our values.
Second, the banning was done hastily as it has imposed the verdict of the outcome of the concert without even thinking rationality and maturity of the audience, as if those who come will act wildly and go berserk, tarnishing the spirit and mood of the Merdeka eve.
Third, do we get ourselves mentally and spiritually colonized or re-colonized by attending and watching a concert performed by foreign artist? Kiss by XXX for that argument! Will those who attended turn to zombies and migrate to foreign nations?
Fourth, Avril Lavigne is, to me, a clean teenage female performer compared to the likes of Brittney Spears and Christina Aguilera. If Avril is too sexy, then what is not sexy then? How about the weekly GangStar concert on TV3, which to me, for the sake of argument, is sexy too.
Net net, it was grossly stupid for the Government to call off that concert.
Like Antares, I am glad to see some fire in you. However, I do not agree with your theory on relating this moral policing with only PAS and Hadi. The sinister moral policing is all over and we Catholics feel the heat with The Herald as well.
if hadi bcome pm, so we must wear turban & learn to ride camel la!
and when najib bcome pm? we must rear cattles & learn to speak mongolian izzit?
with our pea-brain, its so freaking easy to generalised everything...
according to the organizers the show is still on, check out this article on 17th August in the Star http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/8/17/nation/22106992&sec=nation but then again AP reporting its not...so whats the real situation?? and I like your analogy on banning sexy sports attire. be reminded that a lot of traditional clothes are also very revealing or body hugging. how about clamping down on them as well.
Way to go Pakatan! Lets vote PR!!
The PAS and PKR mullahs shall juggernaut our nation soon!!
Let's get the fact this right. It is Barisan Nasional government that cancels the concert not PAS.
errr, spin doctor,
last time i checked, BN is still in Govt.
why blaming PAS?
come on la, the ball is round, call a spade a spade.
you really need not be so myopic, if you do i can see your migration plans pretty soon
But the person making the decision is BN man. The BN or rather UMNO government is making the final decision. Sure PAS has a hand in making the noise, but so did UMNO. I guess they are birds of a feather. Maybe all extremists should be in BN, and all moderates and liberals should be in PR. That way we have a two party system of "Liberals/Democrats" vs "Conservatives/Extremists" . And that system can cut across all races and religion. Remember that there are very conservative Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Sikhs, etc that also share the same extreme values of extreme Muslims. Also there are Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Sikhs, etc that very liberal.
We need to verify who have given the statement to cancel the show? It's not PAS. They just make the noise. It must be from the govt - Dr. Rais (under his ministry) or DBKL. Both are under current govt and not PAS. Pls get the fact right.
So, it means that Dr. Rais or whoever give the notice to cancel may agree to what PAS said. So, their minds are narrow minded too.
How about the belly dancing in some of the VIP function? Are they not sexy too? The govt should made a clear guideline on this matter before these international artist starts to boycott us.
I don't understand why the fuss here. Even if non-muslims speak out, it's not considered sensitive or important enough to let majority muslims hear.
This country eventually will slide into fully islamised one based on latest trend of negligence of feelings of non-muslims. One day they will shout at your face:" take it or leave it. It's our country!"
Since when these government officers listen to PAS?
PAS is not wise in this. And the officer is even more daft.
yea man i see malay women wearing transparent kebaya and baju kurung...ban la..hahah..
bn is such a loser. i am speechless. i am moving out of this country! I wont even tell ppl i am malaysian. such a huge embarrassment. Imagine this - avril chilling in her couch with her bandmates and talking among themselves..what a loser country malaysia is.
avril : my gawd, these backward people are fussing over me right up to their asses and politicians! hahahaha. I am on their papers every day! my show is such a big controversy and singapore doesnt even make a noise!
sad la us.
I don think the exact reason for cancellation was due to too sexy.. becoz avril not the sexy artist.
Actually the timing of the concert is not suitable.. I mean, near the merdeka..
What do you think the best event to be shown before and during merdeka? (I mean.. suitable one)
Yes PAS has lots of perverts, and always make Malaysia a laughing stock. But please don't confine your critism to PAS only. The decision maker to ban all these "sexy shows" is by the UMNO people in the UMNO government.
So who is the Minister for this Unity, Arts and Heritage Ministry. I think he is an UMNO man, is he not? So who are the goons? Both PAS (for raising the objection), and UMNO (for gleefully banning the show). So WCW don't always think that only PAS people are extremists. Even UMNO people are extremists. All the stupid policies in the country were put there by UMNO people. But I guess you are too chicken to say that, and PAS becomes poltically correct for you to bash since you are working in an BN paper.
So bro, we should expect a performer to wear burka,veil and just stand still while doing concert in Malaysia, right? must she also own a camel as transportation to ferry her around our desert too????ha ha...
Oh c'mon guys, there's a greater force in action here. Think 3 steps ahead. *roll eyes*
im confused! what the connection between the cansellation of the concert with PAS or Hadi? Is it the cancalletion is due to the permit did not issue by the PAS or HAdi?
The Malaysia now manage by BN goverment or Pas goverment hah?
even if you dress up the lamp post, they'll jerk.
u'know what? don't bother to dress it up, leave it like that.
no shame at all, just read the support of no banning skimpy sporty outfit! if usain and the male beach volleyball/normal volleyball can wear something decent, why can't their female counterparts wear the same? oooo yess, we got the boobs and the butts to take over the males' minds.
idiot men! perverts and bigots shouldn't be made to run the mainstream newspapers.
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