Dr Toh Kin Woon (picture), a Gerakan central committee member, who created a stir with his open support for Anwar Ibrahim last night, has quit the party. The former academician faxed his letter of resignation just minutes ago. Among the reasons he cited was his plan to focus on non-governmental organisations. The former state executive councillor's resignation came as no surprise as his independent views, especially his relations with Anwar, have always put him at odds with his Gerakan bosses, Getting out of Gerakan was the only way. I first got to know this mild-mannered gentleman when I was a student at UKM. He taught me consumer economics and is certainly one of the nicest persons I have met. He hardly fits the image of a rebel. I believe his decision to focus on NGO work would serve his causes more effectively. At one time, he was active in the Consumers Association of Penang. Like many academicians, it has not been easy grappling with partisan politics, where values and principles are compromised all the time, regardless of their political beliefs. Kin Woon is no exception. Idealists like him have found it difficult having to toe the party line. He has not ruled out joining PKR but those who know Dr Toh would probably advise him to devote his time to NGO work.
There's nothing like being true to yourself
Being free to take yourself off the shelf
No cares or worries anymore about compromise
Answerable only to ownself and own promise
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 180808
Mon. 18th Aug. 2008.
Yes Datuk, Dr Toh is indeed a man of principles who truly believes in social justice in a civil society. Which is more than I can for many people in the MSM. Probably something of what he taught you must have probably rubbed on to you as you deemed to fit to blog about him.
Way to go, Dr Toh! We salute you for being honest to speak your mind and walk the talk. The ball is in the court of other like-minded Gerakan members to follow Dr Toh. We now wait for MCA leaders to make a stand as to whether they are supportive of UMNO's racist policies and crony economics, or whether MCA leaders should walk the talk. MCA members already left in droves, even though not officially.
Dr Toh is the only brave and honest leader in Gerakan. The rest are chickens, so don't expect more Gerakan "leaders" to follow his footsteps. What you will see is a lot of Gerakan grass root members deserting the party. Gerakan will be like MIC, a party with some dinosaur "leaders" but no members in the hollow party.
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