Port Klang Assemblyman Badrul Hisham Abdullah has quit PKR, saying that he has lost faith in the party's leadership. Earlier, his boss, Selangor MB Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said the state government has recommended to the PKR supreme council that Badrul Hisham resign from his seat for non-performance. More from Star Online here.
This person quits PKR himself...or he had to quit bez PKR asked him to go out?
why journalism need to spin...
He flashed 2 fingers to the press. I am sticking up my middle finger to him.
It's time for PR to get rid of Anjing2 Kurap . Next to go will be Hassan Ali . Then PR can really start to do well and prepare for GE13
Why give a non-performing public servant that kind of front page publicity as if he his departure from PKR is a major loss? What has he done for the people who voted for him? MIA? Gaji buta more like it. Our jounalist needs to be more critical in their investigation and present those facts for what it is. That will help us towards nation building instead of harping on the obvious that the guy left his party. Similarly Jeffrey Kitinggan's resigning from Sabah leadership...this guy has the longest list of party hopping one can ever imagine and he is now protrayed as a major loss to PKR. I am not a PKR supporter but obviously this party is learning a bitter lesson the hard way. If they learn it well, the next round of candidates will hopefully be better in terms of maturity, integrity and trustworthiness.
BTW, do you ever age? Your blogsite states you are 48 and this is not updated for a few years already.
with all due respect, wong. despite all your spins and lies, voters in states where the Star is most read all voted against BN. it shows that voters are educated and feel their intelligence insulted. now that you've turn to the cyberspace, you are continuing your bad habit.
badrul is an incompetent scheming person and it's great that BN has inherited him.
These people go into politics because they have certain principles which they think can contribute to the development of the nation.
The well-beings of the people and nation are uppermost in their quest.
Position, wealth, parasitic supporters are the least of their concernn
They just want to do their best before they aged and retire, quietly, to their pleasant, peaceful village house to do some fishing,gardening or catch up on their reading.
Something wrong with this scenario ?
It turns out that he is indeed not serving his people. Your post should read ' UMNO accepting non performing MPs" . What about people like KSK?
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