Lunas state assemblyman Mohd Radzi Salleh (picture), who has quit PKR to be an independent, may be facing a barrage of criticism from the Pakatan Rakyat but maverick PKR MP Zulkifli Nordin is defending the defector. The
Kulim Bandar Baharu MP has even asked his PKR colleagues not to be too critical of Mohd Radzi Salleh.
The state assemblyman has suddenly found himself turned into an incompetent and lazy elected representative overnight. His former comrades are probably saying that he has been bought over. PAS vice-president Mahfuz Omar described Radzi as a liability and that his departure was a necessary cleaning-up process.
But Zulkifli has blogged that Mohd Radzi had worked tirelessly when he was state exco member in charge of tourism. Zulkifli has revealed that the reason for Radzi's decision to quit was his unhappines over the direction of Pakatan Rakyat, particularly the DAP's role in Kedah. Others believed he wasn't happy with talk that Anwar Ibrahim wanted him to quit his seat for a forced by-election.
Zulkifli said Mohd Radzi wanted to see Muslim unity be given greater emphasis. Zulkifli also said Radzi's decision to leave PKR must be respected. Zulkifli isn't likely to get much admiration for his latest posting. In fact, there could even be speculation as to where this controversial lawyer-politician could be heading next.
Dear Wong,
The publicity crazy MP is making noises again.
His moronic cave-man attitude is astounding.
Don't give him the piblicity he craves.
Shut him out!!!!
Everyone is entitled to his opinion, even buffoons. Hard as it may be but I will still respect such individuals for their opinions. Hopefully they reciprocate. One can say your piece and let it be but not impose or expect others to agree. If this happens, we are on the right track.
so its ok if tomorrow Gobalakrishnan resigns for the sake of Indian unity ?
Ask him to quit as well.He's burden to PKR and also us the Kulim nuts who voted for him.
This "ZUL" guy have typical sign looking for free publicity.His proffesion as Lawyer cum Politician able to... con some idiot.
rajraman666.The devil also laughing when this "ZUL" talk about religion unity hiding behind political MASK.
(*not devil/godworshipper*)
Kah kah... Hassan Ali came at the right time to talk about enforcement agents of Imams and bilals. Zul Noordin came at the right time to defend Radzi. Seemed like Radzi like UMNO better and surely Zul should follow. PKR works on the premise of multiculturalism.
Zul said this chap work tireslessly but Radzi's rakyat seemed to disagree. Who is zul kidding.?
Bro, there was no speculation as yet where Zul might be heading.So pls don't put extra salt into PR wounds.Be a respectful journalist,pen the facts,not fan the facts.
Hi Zul,
U also need to quitlah, udahlah..sampaimasa kito tahulah siapomu....
Mmmmm...already bought over lah.
BN can buy a few of these fellas, but the rakyat shall still triumph come the next election. We shall persevere.
Please take Hassan Ali and Zul Nordin. UMNO can have them for free. We don't want these two buggers.
This Zul is either have a change of heart for UMNO or going for cheap publicity, for the sake of being different . Why dont he just shut up and make some sense over his petite MP allowance
"Zulkifli said Mohd Radzi wanted to see Muslim unity be given greater emphasis".
How much more muslim can you get. PAS is an islamic party. It boggles the mind. Maybe what they are saying is they want to join UMNO. For the good of pakatan, please leave Zul. We will survive without you.
As the saying goes, "birds of a feather......"
Actually, what's it to do with non-Malays? If you are Muslim and in Malaysia, do what the local laws say. As long as it is not imposed on non-Muslims, I think it's fine. And afterall, alcohol kills and destroys lives.
My Dear friend , why is my comment regarding this new blog not posted in your comments section? Are you supporting the detractors within MCA ?
Justice for Ong Tee Keat
I beg to differ about this man Radhi Salleh. He was not even a material for any election candidate let alone being appointed as EXCO member..politically uncivilised decision..
His departure from the opposition has nothing to do with the word `principle' and I doubt he knows the word.
Political human beings who are full of baggages, please make your exit now..we hate you..( i am looking for english word for MELUAT....)
To MP Zul in Kulim, please check your fact before giving your comment, you do not know this man!You are defending the wrong soul!
I am getting sick of these political parasites!!!
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