Here we go again. PAS wants the upcoming concert featuring Michael Learns To Rock in Genting Highlands to be scrapped because of the fasting month. Its Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi (picture) has warned the organisers that a demonstration would be held if the organisers ignore the warning.
The concert, featuring the group of aging Danish pop rockers, has been labelled as a Festival of Sins. At least, the turbaned PAS leader did not call these singers "sexy" as the party did against Avril Lavigne the last time. He has lambasted the BN for allowing the concert, which he described as an insult to Muslims. Nasrudin also wants Muslim NGOs to join the party in the protest. Nasrudin, a Jordanian graduate in religious studies, is regarded as a hardliner in the party.
I am not sure if Nasrudin has even heard of MLTR but the band is over 20 years old. These guys are known for singing sentimental numbers and are hardly the gyrating, long-haired acid rocker types. He is also obviously not aware that the various authorities have met the concert organisers on guidelines during fasting month. They were told that open air concerts would be disallowed during the fasting month as a mark of respect to Muslims, which is fair enough.
The government must, however, also undertstand the rights of non-Muslims and have such concerts in closed venues such as indoor stadiums and hotels. In the case of MLTR, it would be held at the Arena of Stars. Even if the concert is not held, the casinos at Genting Highlands would be running full steam. PAS is merely protesting for the sake of protesting.
Earlier, Selangor PAS chief and state exco member Dr Hassan Ali said state mosque officials including the imam, bilal and siak can now arrest Muslims drinking in public places. Dr Hassan had an open spat recently with DAP's Ronnie Liu over the sale of beer at 7 Eleven outlets in Shah Alam.
If Hadi knows the song Sweetest Surprise, he will surely love MTLR.
If Nik Aziz knows the song Angel from the same group, he will go straight to heaven.
Why, why, why is a concert by an ageing rock group, held in a closed arena, where muslims can choose not to go, or hear, or see anything related to the concert be an insult to muslims??? As a foreigner, I am absolutely stunned and think this PAS guy should join the 21st century!
Don't be an idiot PAS.
Your freedom to expression ends where you bloody my nose.
If you get my favourite rock band banned from Genting, I'll campaign against you.
If you don't like Muslims to attend, teach them and persuade them not to go. Don't simply call to ban this and ban that without consideration to the other 40% of the population who are non-Muslims and who enjoy good rock music.
I am going to this concert with my family so piss off, will you?
Mr Wong,
This month is considered as a holy month for the muslim people. On this month, we are fasting. It would be ridiculous for us to watch MLTR while fasting or after fasting.
He objected based on this ground just for this particular month.
It is not a big deal if it is to be delayed to respect the majority of the population.
After this month MLTR can do the concert, you can go and watch day and night.
Another comment from a leader who want people to be sensitive to their feelings but they themselves are not sensitive to other people feelings. Maybe some leaders just want to make comments once in awhile to show their followers that they are doing something and worth their salt.
Amused Malaysian
Just like coalition of Pakatan won the state of Perak and was rule by the PAS. Just can't wait for Pakatan to take over the country for the next election and have PAS ministers to make great changes to MALAYSIA!
Cheers to the people who voted these ignorant fools into power... If MLTR is considered sinful, god save us from everything else played on the radio....
Simply childish, myopic, and down right nothing else better to do. Limelights like this also want to compete for centre stage. I suppose Hadi wants to be on stage instead, no?
Maybe he is 25 million years too late
If these PAS fellas want to live in caves, pray and fast for the whole year, every minute of every day, millions of Malaysians would be extremely glad because God would hear their prayers and Malaysia at least had guardian angels surround us. But if these self righteous (holier than all)fellas tell us to listen to Nasyid and only Nasyid for the rest of our lives, then &**%$## BUZZ off! Best, they leave progressive Malaysia and fly off to remote part of no man's land, the mountainous border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. They would have lots of friends there!
He he heh! I can't help but laugh everytime some politicians open their mouths.
I think a large majority of the educated population are mature enough to recognize "political sendiwara" when they see it. Some wannabe in PAS just wanting to make their presence felt, no harm done as long as the end result is a level headed fair decision which respects everyones rights and freedom to choose.
If PAS did not make noises first, then probably someone in UMNO would have capitalised on the moment and done the same. Most really are lacking in originality.
These days everyone wants to be seen as a champion of Malay rights, and at the same time wants to position others as an "INSULTER".
The word "INSULT" is really being beaten to death these last few months.
Most of the time they end up insulting their own intelligence by what they say. Generally the guys in UMNO are fighting hard to maintain their lead in that department.
At least this PAS leader is not DAP or MCA's puppet.
Pity that UMNO the 'penegak syiar Islam' or so-called protector-of-Islam NGOs such as Pewaris said nothing on this matter. Are they YOUR PUPPETS Mr WCW?
These are th umnoist in PAS. They are making noise to cause trouble for PR.
Silly stupid morons.
Dont fighting... Dont fighting...
Aiyah, these organisers also another one.. they know that it is fasting month and such things will get sticky. So, why not just make it for some other months? Ya la, ya la, so this group is old fart group and it will be in a closed stadium but still...
Ya la, ya la, PAS is very sticky over everything and they need to be educated la. PAS need to learn that they are not the only ones around and everybody has to kowtow to them la. Yes la, they are a bit sakai.. but condemning PAS is not exactly educating them right? Making so much noise is not going to make these PAS fellas sit up and listen to you right? So, instead of everyone being so hot and bothered and ready to pounce on PAS over such things, why dont someone make arrangements for PAS to have dialogue with common souls like you and me (malays and non-malays) to learn more about each other and how we can accommodate each other.
Talk la!! Everybody has to meet halfway la.. WTF la! Always fighting amongst ourselves! Ya la!! not shy issit..
I think PAS Youth Chief Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi and his gang also want to see the MLTR concert but, cannot!
That's why they opposing.
Pity these guys.
Charlie Oscar
ha ha ha let me tell you mr.PAS If u ever protest in genting u think genting will let u protest them ke ,pas better not u protest la later kena tangkap polis genting
The best response we can give is to ignore it. And that goes for all the mindless outburst from politicians from all parties, ruling and opposition. We are not out of the woods yet with regards to the economic downturn, have more pressing issues like security what with the brazen crimes being committed daily and proper education for our young who are the leaders of tomorrow. We must be responsible and work on such issues instead of the endless bickering over petty issues. Let those who are "too-heavenly-minded-but-of-no-earthly- use" keep their opinions to themselves and not distract us whilst those who are equally "heavenly-minded-and-responsibly-working-for-earthly-use" do their part. Encourage the latter who will make a difference to society by giving them due prominence.
Orang UMNO berlagak pejuang PAS, utk menghancurkan PR?
Dia ni elok di hantar ke negara mana yg dia suka seperti Afganistan (Taliban)ke, Arab Saudi ke, atau ke zaman dulu-dulu kala di tanah arab.
Jika Pemuda PAS tak suka jgn pergi tengok. Tapi jgn nak halang org lain. Don't play God pls.
i have voted for PAS 2 times in election and by-election, next time.. i don think so i will vote for them.. jus sleep at home on polling day.... Ban MLTR, ban beer, ban all the things that u don like then ready to loose chinese voters...hahha...
Again they're playing gatekeepers to Heaven even for non-Muslims. What a bunch of hypocrites. If they have their way Internet will be banned. Then we be back to stone age. Lucky we still have a secular government.
wah good one la datuk
i know from the beginning your purpose of this article.
you want to batu api ahh.. and you get one..
It is ridiculous asking MLTR to be banned just because it is a holy month. Next alcohol be banned and pork cannot be consumed by non-Muslims in such circumstances. Well, wouldn't it be disrespectful to us non-Muslim? Anyhow, I am quite sure many Muslims are enjoying Michael Jackson or Chris Brown or Beyonce music video during this month. Does that make them less a Muslim? Confusing, isn't it? Yes, PAS must learned to rock so that they wouldn't be so uptight!
If the PAS fler argument is to be followed, perhaps ASTRO, TV3, NTV 7 RTM 1 & 3, TV8 & 9 should be shutdown completely during the Ramadhan period
I may not be a Malaysian coz I'm a Filipino...
But banning MLTR is so ridiculous and they're just getting attention to them so, in themselves, are they holy enough? Don't show to us that they are clean living because MLTR are more clean living than them and respectable than them!
I'm so outraged... don't let me throw some harsh words...
In fact, they're just more than an MILF... a terrorist group!
Jerry mentioned that,
"... PAS must learned to rock so that they wouldn't be so uptight!"
with or without turban?... lol
aku pun minat jugak mltr
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