Friday, May 22, 2009

Court of Appeal: Zamry is MB

The Court of Appeal has declared Zambry Abd Kadir to be the rightful MB after granting his appeal. It was a unanimous decision from the three-man bench. The decision would surely be a boost for the BN but the battle is far from over.

Nizar Jamaluddin still has the Federal Court to appeal. That would be the final court battle. There is also the battle for the hearts and minds of the people and at this point, no one can deny that Nizar has the upper hand. The question is this - are there behind-the-scenes moves to get out of this impasse? Has Najib, Anwar and Kit Siang sent their men to meet quietly to work out some arrangements following the reported moves to talk? Or is a fresh state elections the only way out finally?


sam1968 said...

Let the rakyat decide.....too much of court shows, it is just wasting public money and time.....for a true democractic system and state, lets go back to ballot box to get a clear majority to rule, the three "frog" is an independent ADUN, they can jump again anytime, so if they jump again, see in court again? What a script.....

Anonymous said...

Datuk wong. This can be a face saving grace for Najib to get out of the impasse. I hope he take it and do the right thing - call the election for Perak. He must get Perak out of the table. Otherwise, there is no way he can work on the economic issues. The noise from the Perak problem is so overwhelming. No one will listen to him.

I pray and I hope he use this chance. Else, god help us.

Unknown said...

Dear Wong,

I can answer your question.




Donplaypuks® said...

Well, you're the one running a nwspaper. So, instead of asking all these obvious questions why don't you go out and get the anwers?

That's what journalism is supposed to be about. Anyone can ask a lot of silly questions!!

Anonymous said...

Mankind is moving assuredly towards self-destruction bcos whatever we do,we must win at all costs...right from AlexanderThe Great to today's governments...that's bcos we never searched our conscience before we act. The world could be a better place for all if each of us searched our conscience before acting,however small a gesture, as God intended us to be.

Bangsa Cina Malaysia said...

please lah bubarkan dun if BN is so sure of voters support..

Anonymous said...

the courts too fight it out on who should be MB. Looks like you canno really get justice in the court.
one will deliver exactly the opposite sentence as the one earlier. a lot of craps are happening in the legislature. How do you expect the common people to have faith in it?


Racun Penawar said...

Ah! Ha! So Camry is out and Zambry is in until after the appeal to the Federal Court by Outzar who was the Inzar (Nizar). Whole lot of rubbish.

Anonymous said...

zambry commands a majority in the state assembly. he is MB. period.

-org taiping

ChengHo said...

Learn from USA Presidential election 2000 AlGore conceded defeat after USA Supreme Court denied the RECOUNT
this is the maturity of politic at the highest level...