According to reports, quoting sources, the MIC is mulling over the possibility of withdrawing its sole Cabinet post and its two deputies. MIC officials are said to be unhappy that the party has only been given the Human Resources Minister's post, held by Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam, which the party feels is too junior for the party. The proposal would be tabled at the party's central working committee meeting next week, according to the The Star Online.
The MIC is unlikely to gain much support from the public for sulking. The party wants the Works Ministry post, which was previously held by party president Samy Vellu and his predecessors. Shaziman Abu Mansor has been given the post. The MIC may just be pushing its luck too far if it continues to demand more. The MIC is not in a position to make demands and that it something the party leaders must understand. The reality it must realise is that the party is not negotiating from strength. Respect must be earned.
The MIC is unlikely to gain much support from the public for sulking. The party wants the Works Ministry post, which was previously held by party president Samy Vellu and his predecessors. Shaziman Abu Mansor has been given the post. The MIC may just be pushing its luck too far if it continues to demand more. The MIC is not in a position to make demands and that it something the party leaders must understand. The reality it must realise is that the party is not negotiating from strength. Respect must be earned.
MIC is not in a position to demand anything. The Indians have rejected MIC, and so MIC no longer represents the Indians. And they have lost in most of the elections where they stood for election. And they have been rejected by the Indians in Bukit Selambau, and I am surprised that they have the thick skin to say they brought in the Indian votes there. They want the Min of Works because there is a lot of money there and a lot of projects to dish out, isn't it? Min of HR has got little money and little projects to dish out, isn't it? Let's call a spade a spade, no need to dance around.
MIC cuma merajuk saja. Satu dua hari lagi, everything is back to normal.
At their strongest, the MIC can't do anything for the Indian Malaysians, what more can they do when they (MIC) are now half dead? Would an additional one or two additional minister posts make a difference?
Semi Value is the biggest liability to the Party.
If those politicians REALLY wish to serve the rakyat,whatever post given could not be bothered, right? Why ask for specific post to serve ah?We all know the answer don't we$
MIC, go ahead and pull out your minister. Who cares? For that matter, pull out of BN too. Nobody cares, really! MIC is totally irrelevant.
Maybe if MIC can grovel like Gerakan, a better post may be granted. Afterall both parties are in the same boat. There is no support from the people, and if MIC and Gerakan both close shop, nobody will notice their absence.
Self respect and integrity are at stake.
MIC cannot let itself be dictated to by UMNO, MCA or Gerakan. Otherwise, they will be wiped out completely even before 2013.
They cannot stand idly by when Koh Tsu Koon whom the voters have clearly said is redundant, is brought back while Samy's post has gone to UMNO.
If they don't publicly threaten to walk out and actually do so if UMNO pays only lip service, then like PPP and Kayveas, MIC will also become the laughing stock of ALL M'sians.
Do not forget that after GE 2008, few Indians care or will ever again vote for MIC unless Samy goes once and for all and it transforms itself radically.
UMNO is not GOD! If MIC makes a stand, they will gain everything as there are very clear alternative political avenues; if it does not, they are History!
MIC do not represent the Indian. It is only representing Samy Vellu. Why should Najib give in to him. Making Samy Vellu a minister via backdoor will be the biggest mistake.
If he create more problem, lock him up under ISA.
But Samy you said the Indians have never been Marginalised by umno what, why you merajuk now. I agree with anon 1 its all about money, works ministry got lots of easy money, human resources, MIC minister will have to work hard to show result.
Saya rasa MIC ni menteri penuh pon tak payah dilantik sebab orang India pun dah tolak..Orang India hendakan Anuar ibrahim dan manikumar..biarlah..
Kepada orang melayu bersatulah..sebab orang india dan cina sudah bersatu ...Lihat Bukit selambau...
Samy,please pull out!
Remember Tan Seri Manikavasagam? He was at one time minister that is Menteri Buruh. Which he plays important role in uniting all Indian estate workers and Indian migrant from India to support MIC.
Mana ada junior and senior ministry? Mana ada kastarism?
Semua ministry is important to serve the peoples.
The biggest joke so far and I don't find it funny. MIC, be happy and grateful that you all are even given cabinet representation at all with MIC no longer being relevant to the general Indian community.
Samy Vellu has gone senile. At his gae, he is throwing a tantrum like a 3 year old. How can he be a minister?
Beggars can't be choosers
Crumbs are only given to losers
It's useless to shout out loud
When you have lost your clout
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 120409
Sun. 12th Apr. 2009.
I received an SMS to say that the MIC will consider pulling out of the BN altogether, and joining Pakatan Rakyat!
Malaysian politics, anything's possible.
But if MIC does that, it would be the best news for the BN since March 2008. It would be easier for Najib to re-address the Malaysian Indians if the MIC is out of the way.
There will be factions within the MIC which will exit the party and form a new party within the BN, which will be more effective in tackling issues facing Indians.
The MIC under Uncle Samy has long lost its way, bro. THe party is a liability to Najib as long as the old guards refuse to listen to what the people want. And the people want MIC to change.
Therefore, if the MIC wishes to refuse the minister and two dep ministers posts because it is unhappy with Najib for not including Samy Vellu in his new Cabinet, by all means!
Samy Velu must resign first before the party can ask for anything. He has to realise that he is a liability to MIC.
The threat of pulling out the MIC ministers is like bringing a stick to a gunfight. Everyone knows the problem is Samy and not MIC in general.
If they do pull out their ministers because Samy is acting like some spoilt kid who did not get what he wants, that will be the end of the party and the political careers of those current ministers.
The MIC should know there are other Indian based parties in the BN who can step up to the plate with ease to fill the gap the MIC, given its weakened state, will leave behind.
And Samy should get his head checked if he thinks he can rebuild the MIC with such childish behaviour. And you wonder why there are those in the MIC who still stand by this man.
Samy Vellu and MIC. Pull Out. I say good riddance.
samy vellu a minister again?!
you kiddin' me right.
It is a good call for NTR to give MIC a junior minister after a hell of disaster in term of election results.
samy and friends should sit back and do a soul searching amongst themselves whether they are still widely accepted by the majority indians.
Based on the election result, it seem MIC is no longer relevant to INdian.
Its time MIC close shop as it has no support, why hang on just to facilitate political careers for a few who really do not represent Indians. The last by election was the final political suicide for MIC. Please deregistered as a political party. Be loyal to Malaysia, call ourselves Malaysians and pursue for a progressive Malaysian Malaysia.
Real service to the nation and the people is service without necessarily having a Cabinet position or other forms of office.
If MIC (or for that matter, other political parties in BN or PR) truly understand this concept, they will know that the role of people in position helping people is overated. Yes they can facilitate some things, but even if they don't, things can still get done.
So MIC, if you want to pull out, by all means do so, but go out there and really help people, don't just stay at home and merajuk.
Hey, MIC! Why stop at giving up cabinet posts? Why not leave BN. Leave today. No need to wait until next month, or next week, or even tomorrow. Leave now. UMNO does not need MIC to be in BN. Each electoral seat BN allocates to MIC means one less seat for UMNO. Every post, however insignificant, given to you means a post less for UMNO.
Hey, MIC! if you want important posts, just leave BN and stand on your own at the next elections. When you win and form the next government on your own, then every important cabinet post, including the PM post will belong to you.
Let Samy Vellu be, lah. If he want to pull out, let him do what he like. After all, He is no longer relevant. And MIC is no longer supported by the Indian community.
No big loss.
With Samy Vellu and MIC out of the way, BN can look at other party(s) to look after the Indian interests. Without MIC, BN will have less headache.
Rocky, you don't BS lah. You know full well that PR would never accept MIC, at least not if Samy and his cronies are running MIC. So you don't give your BS here in WCW's blog. If you wanna give that BS, just do it on your own blog which we are not keen to visit since you became a turncoat, and very obvious at that. TRocky go back to your own blog to write your nonsense.
How dare MIC make such demands when they can't produce seats and votes for BN. Maybe UMNO Youth should make a protest against MIC behaviour and demand that MIC be dropped from BN. Najib should kick MIC out of BN if MIC does not drop out on its own. MIC is a liability to BN. And Samy is a liability to MIC.
So what, MIC pull out lah !!!
MIC as always, cakap tak serupa bikin.
Last time Gerakan against Penang umno ,threaten here and there, finally sit queitly....become yes man and all praises to umno....as usual...Don't see much different in MIC this round...ayoyo...
So is MIC going to pull out ? Not at all!!!
Haha..Rocky so clever to comment nowadays when his blog is nothing more than a petition writer for UMNO. Yes, Rocky, your idea is great but the most sensible thing for MIC to do is to call for fresh by elections in those areas they have won...Please...PR do not accept MIC into PR...let MIC die a natural death..the days of communal politics is all over..let them join Keadilan or Pas or DAP...
MIC is all hot air lah. A lot of posturing to test water to see if the master may throw a little crumb to the floor. But when its master respond with a growl, MIC will quickly put its tail between its feet and quickly deny that it ever made any demand or even discussed it. Already MIC is denying that it ever made the request. But the best thing taht came out of this episode is that it laid bare the DPM's racism. Now we are wondering what this so called "1 Malaysia" is about. Is the "1 Malaysia" about UMNO's Malaysia? WHat does the "1" stand for? In one single week the DPM made two racist statements, one for the Chinese and one for the Indians. And the PM has not responded to what the DPM said. Does the PM concur or disagree with the DPM's statements?
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