Political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda walked out a free man today. He has now been cleared from the charge of abetting in the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu. The two policemen - UTK officers Kpl Sirul Azhar Umar and Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri have now been ordered to enter their defence. In short, the prosecution failed to prove a case against Razak Baginda but the case against the two UTK men would proceed. But as the legal battle continues, so would the political battle. The allegations against Najib Tun Razak, as the Prime Minister in waiting, can be expected to intensify. The police have cleared him of any involvement; in parliament and outside parliament, the DPM has said that he did not know nor has met the woman; he has even "bersumpah" at a mosque, at meetings with Umno leaders and even during a ceramah - but the accusations, if not perceptions, would continue. It is not just a legal battle but a political fight, that's the reality. It has not helped that a lot of questions have remained unanswered. The court decision to acquit Razak Baginda could well provide fresh ammunition to the nemesis of Najib to attack him but there could also be more suits, if the critics are not careful with their choice of words on today's judgement.
This is not the end. This is not the beginning of the end. This is the beginning of the beginning. This is the beginning of a long struggle to find the truth. And in Malaysia, truth is stranger than fiction.
Motives is there, just lack of evidence. This is like Hong Kong movie.
Why that 2 special force police wanna murdered a mongolia lady . She is not rich or connected with triads.
Anyway ,i am happy to see how this hong kong movie style script will flow .
Dear Datuk,
It must have been a great relief for Razak Baginda to be released and not called up to make his defense in the Altantuya murder case. I think it is justified because I personally do not think that he blew up Altantuya. He might have and spent some quality time with her and enjoyed the relationship. But we cannot forsee him strapping her up and to blast her off. I had guessed as much and pleased that my opinion on him is right.
Whether he had asked people to take care of her and how it should have been taken care of, only GOD knows. Its up to the people being told to disclose the actual scenario.
Somebody must have blown her up. And I guess its up to the courts to get the culprits now. Somebody may have instructed somebody to do the act of blowing Altantuya up, so you need to charge him for "subahat". Maybe in their defense Chief Inspector Izilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar will tell all.
Anyway after all these months I guess what need to be said had been said.
The moral of the story is, for those husbands who love their wifes, don't fool around. And those who are fooling around to stop being a fool. For those models who think of some funtime with people's husband, better stop it or the consequence is very serious, you might get blown up.
It is a misadventure which no one wants to experience. Will Razak Baginda dare to look at another model now?
One got freed and that leaves two behind who have no reason to kill Altantuya.
So, who gives the order and why ?
The whole world is waiting for the answers.
The 2 policemen? Why? What are their motives for killing the poor woman? Or whose order did they take? After so many months, no lead? Any now RB is free? What happened to our country?
Is this what you call fairness? Ala Malaysian style. Malaysia really BOLED!
Two policemen with army grade explosive acting on their own? A very remote possibility. A burning question is therefore: who was behind these alleged murderers? What was his or her motive? This trial is definitely a history on the making.
I personallys dont believes Razak stupid to order the killing of the girl. But who ordereds the two cops to kills. I no lawyer. I only wants anser. Chun Wai, sorry for my poor commando of english language. I educated in Malay schools.
Indeed an episodes created by politicians.This should be film, relly
It does not take much brains to figure out that a third person is involved in this murder. Why would 2 police personnel want to blow up the girl? This is an act of sheer bold arrogance & power. The murderer may think he can fool the court, the people & the whole world but God sees all.
Dear Wong,
The judgement only gave rise to more questions ilke what is the mens rea that the two UTK men have to kill th mongolian woman.
The two robots do not know her nor have they met her before. They do not have any reason whatsoever to kill her and blast her to pieces. Even a fool will know that.
All malaysians and most mongolians I believe, know that somebody powerful has ordered the two robots to do the killing.
I believe our God is a just God and justice will soon prevail.
God is not mocked. He sees and knows everything.
The evil that men do and tried to hide will soon be exposed. That is a certainty. Believe me. Just wait and see....
Looks like a done deal even before the hearing.Razak Baginda arriving in court in the same van with the other two and leaving looking so relaxed & cheerful.
Malaysian Justice ?
What is the MOTIVE for the Policemen to kill & blow her up?
The Real Murderer is getting away... The whole world is watching.
Malaysia is losing its soul ....someone please save Malaysia !
Isnt this verdict expected? We all know that Razak Baginda will walk out a free man from the start.. so, this is no big news...
I believe.. GOD is fair, GOD is the witness to everything, GOD will judge accordingly in HIS timing and lastly, Razak Baginda himself have a daughter. The saying.. What goes around comes around is here for a reason. We shall all wait and see...
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