Outgoing MCA president Ong Ka Ting has probably delivered one of his strongest speeches. There was plenty of sting, for sure. It may be a little too late but he will be saluted for saying what needs to be said in front of the Umno president. The Malaysian Insider also posted a commentary: "Umno not a bully? Yeah. Right" rebutting Pak Lah's defence of Umno. Perception is everything in politics. Umno leaders can shrug it off, express their displeasure or lash out at MCA for Ka Ting's strong words but that would be the greatest disservice they can do. The MCA has been Umno's loyal partner for over 50 years. Both parties have gone through thick and thin. Like all marriages, partners must take what each other say or feel seriously for it to work. Unlike some BN component parties, the MCA has defended the coalition, not once using the words "mulling of leaving the BN" to revive itself. The truth is no partner is always right but it is always good to listen, that's why God gives us two ears and only one mouth.
Power intoxicates, and it is addictive. UMNO has tasted power. And it is not about to let go any of it to MCA. So MCA leaders can say all they want, but it is going to fall on deaf ears in UMNO. In fact we can be very sure that some of the UMNO members will turn it around and say that MCA is now demanding this and that just because UMNO is weak now. In fact they already said it before, and they will say it again. The only way UMNO will change is for it to be kicked out of power by Pakatan Rakyat. Then they can take the time out to reflect and reform. MCA is caught in a dilemma. It cannot desert BN, but yet it cannot play a meaningful role in BN.
I did watch some of Kah Ting's comments out of boredom. Well, like Keng Yaik who finds his guts when he quits .. Ka Ting could have said something earlier. He has left a legacy and this final show is not going to change the perception of the legacy. Like you say Datuk, its all in the perception. He keeps looking back to see if the PM and his people are going to do something. His nonverbal says who he is exactly.
Two ears and one mouth, yes. But what about the two feet to walk away from an untenable alliance and an evil patnership?
I don't see MCA, Gerakan or PPP bidding sayonara to the big bully. They can talk til the cows come home, but how about walking the talk? As long as they remain in Barisan, they are accomplices to UMNO's/BN's acts.
I would like to believe you are basically a decent person, but I think you will realise your unholy role in propping up the political masters of the day only when you are out of your present position.
Ka Ting's poke at UMNO is a little too few and too late. MCA has always been treated like a part time whore...not as a partner.
High hopes to expect things will change, not when, there is no mutual respect.
If MCA wanted to show her muscle, do it with the head up...
look straight at UMNO's face. Have they the guts and substance?
No point be just a barking dog, with no marbles and tail between the legs.
I think it's high time that all the other BN component parties (with UMNO as an exception)and any other party for that matter,speak up their mind.We don't wish to have MPs who are like servants when we voted those fools up there!!
A bully's motto is "To bully anyone who can be bullied"
Always on the sharp lookout for fair victims to be cullied
Cruelly bent on making the lives of targeted persons dully
Every bully will eventually pay for all his misdeeds fully
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 181008
Sat. 18th Oct. 2008.
just close shop and be done away with. fullstop.
we the younger generation
are not connected with this party
A reporter wrote the remarks of a racist UMNO member. She was arrested under ISA but the man who uttered the racist remarks was spared with a mere suspension. What do you call this. To me and many others this is bullying and being heavily bias. This is what UMNO all about. Pak Lah's denial is nothing but another lie.
Fair comment Chun Wai, but do you think what OKT has said is a little too little and too late. Why raise the alarm only after the horse has bolted. Why didn't OKT say what he said as a parting shot much earlier, like during the last GE campaign or the time Hishamuddin wielded his keris? OKT will surely go down as the MCA president who has let down the Chinese most.
Unfortunately it is more than just perception. UMNO's actions speak louder than words, and it is a big bully. And MCA's inactions also speak louder than words. It is subservient to UMNO. MCA should take the word "Chinese" out of its name. MCA does not represent the Chinese. The votes in the March GE clearly says so.
Malaysia Chihuahua Association,
Good boy, now sit, master umno here will give you a little treat for being obedient.
MCA since the march election has continously be promoting the racially inpartisan politic which is very commendable. It is glad to hear Ka Ting is calling for the need to overhaul the ACA and transforming the PDRM. In a way Ka Ting is speaking on behalf of all Malaysians. Sadly these demands are being clouded when Ka Ting is asking the impossible like demanding for the deputy president of BN, abolishing the 30% quota etc. These will surely trigger reaction from other BN components especially UMNO. Ka Ting should have learned from the past that once he openly touches the sensitivity of others then the reciprocation would be equally strong. No matter how valid the demands voiced by Ka Ting he should have known to differentiate between things that he could do in the public and things that he has to do behind closed doors. Judging from past experience then everything would be back to a status quo and MCA demands would remain as demands.
What parting shot? From a loser who has nothing more to lose?
MCA had been follow UMNO and become the "YES" man for UMNO for years since Mahathir's time...this means that our MCA leaders were meant to be a UMNO's pet which can say nicely...
Unlike DAP, they fight for unfairness which alwayz resulted been detain under ISA la...codemmed in Malay newspaper and etc...
A swan song with a parting shot
But prior to this dare not shock
Most of the time only 'talk shop'
At the last moment only get 'siock'*
(C)Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 191008
Sun. 19th Oct. 2008.
*Normally means 'enjoyable' but in this context means 'thrill'
I think the new MCA having said the "Change" and accepted the new mood of votes, they next must their actions and demonstrate they are equal partner of BN coalition, otherwise, the chinese votes will only support the Pakatan Rakyat, for the spirit of "Ketuanan Rakyat" and fair & justice society.
Chun Wai
Its been going on for the last 51 years.... we must take action, if MCA disagrees with certain bills in the parliment, then they should vote against it.
Not just TALK ONLY, it would send a clear message to the people, that MCA represents Malaysians.... or the next round of the general election, they will be TRASHED.
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