IT'S one award that would surely stir a lot of controversy, if not invite much criticism. The decision to award a Datukship to Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan is mind-boggling. Such awards, we thought, were given to individuals for their contributions to a state or the country. We are not sure what is Shah Rukh Khan's contribution to Malacca. Sure, he is a great actor and dancer with a massive fan base in Malaysia, but Malaysians need plenty of convincing as far as his contribution to Malacca, or Malaysia, is concerned. There must be something that we do not know. Maybe he has helped promote Malaysia through his efforts that we do not know and it would be good if someone shed some light on this one. Bernama has quoted the CM's political secretary Saadon Bisirun as saying that SRK was awarded the title for his contribution to entertainment at the international level and for making a movie in Malacca. Certain states have been criticised for their overly generous awards of Datukship to individuals, whose identities and contributions are totally unknown. One Ruler of a state defended his long list of new Datuks each year, saying his state was a "big state" but many are cynical although it is his Highness prerogative. Still, these awards would lose its prestige and importance if is no serious efforts are made to maintain a certain level of standards.
Another example of how dumb and stupid the UMNO guys are. We are just becoming a laughing stock. May be Ali Rustam needs the vote of Shah Rukh Khan fans' vote who are also the UMNO delegates in the forth coming party election. Great thinking of our national leader, who is going to guide us through the current world financial turmoil with the help of Shah Rukh Khan's. OR maybe SRK has taught Ali Rustam one or two things on how to act differently in front of the malays, chinese and the indians. Malaysia boleh!!!!!!!!
Would you be brave enough to print this comment in your column coming Sunday so that more people can read about it?
I think it is the time time for us the scrap this datukship award. It is becoming a joke!
Really! Can't imagine Shah Rukh Khan being proud carrying that title... probably just chuck the datukship in the closet...
wats wrong with giving srk a datukship?
if i could, i would one each to these people, plus the keys to my house:
angelina jolie and all her kids, rihanna, beyonce, gwyneth paltrow, osama.
osama so i could choke him in my bedroom for giving muslims a bad name.
i nominate ali rustam for umno president and msia prime minister!
for making a movie in malaysia
i nominate sean connery (entrapmemt) for datukship for promoting KLCC twin towers
jackie chan...(police story) also datukship for location shooting in KL
Chow yun fatt (king & I) he shoud get datuk seri. location shooting in Penang, Perak (Kellie Castle), Kuala Lumpur...
many more....
back to reality...these UMNO jokers really know how to prostitutes the datukships awards.
or was it given on the instructions of pinklips to make the wife happy?
Whatis one more Datuk added to the list. Soon we have Dutuks all over town! Maybe, we need to re-classified them as 'Senior' and 'Junior' Datuks.
Aiyah !!?? why so jealous one...
Afterall SRK has inspired many Malaysians all these years..some more manage to transcend the racial barriers in Malaysia..so what wrong if Melaka want to give him datukship..Melaka being histtoric city/state should lead the way lah..somemore good publicity in India and the Bollywood world .okaylah..u aso datuk wat !!!
Can Can.
me thinks u r rite. me thinks SRK made a certain woman fan very happy and she wants him to come back more often!!
And may I ask what have you done for Malaysia in terms of promoting a fair and impartial press and protecting writers' creativity and integrity to deserve to be called a Datuk as well? Wait, or is that why you have received the Datukship?
This has got the be the news of the day !
I'm flabbergasted !
Click here for my take on it:
All I can Say is this!
One who calls himself as leader and minister doesn't even seems to have the idea on what contribution to people and nation is all about. Imagine what Malaysia and Malaysians could expect if he becomes a DPM.
None of us have anything against Sharukh Khan, but are we short of local contributors. How about Lim Kit Siang, I'm sure he has done more than Sharukh Khan for Malaysia.
hahahahahahahahahahahaha..."choke"..hahahahahahahahahahahaha..."choke"...hahahahahahaha "...choke"...hahaha.....
Poor Yasmin Ahmad putting malaysian movies on the world map but never gets anything or title for her untiring efforts. Umno is really a laughing stock. They do not know where their priority lies.
Dumb, dumber, dumbiest
Welcome to Malacca - Shah Rukh Khan City.
Honest, I dont know what say any more.
Is this a joke or what? No wonder we are the laughing stock in this parts of the world.
Melaka, once the Factory of Datuk pingats, has risen (or "fallen" depending on how you look at it) to yet another new level.
And to think that THIS was where the glorious Kesultanan Melayu Melaka was once centred!
Well, since Melaka is now at it, I'd like to suggest a Tan Sri award to an even bigger star - Tan Sri Robert De Niro Why? He is... brave like Hang Tuah! (or at least his movie characters)
And for Tun, I'm sure many will agree that Tun Roger Waters - the genius behind Pink Floyd - IS DESERVING> Many people in Malaysia are Pink Floyd fans
Good evening Datuk,
Another of BN many follies. They are really a bunch of lost souls. Just pray that they will find their redemption.
Dear Artchan, haha you can have Sean Connery as Datuk. I propose Catherine Zeta Jones. Wow this hot blooded full bodied woman can turn the Malaysian guys hot while she put the Petrona Twin Towers on the world map. Yeah wouldn't it be nice to have this prety lass as Datuk too! And Michelle Yeoh should be promoted from Datuk to Tan Sri. She may even consider using her influence to bring F-1 to Melaka.
Hahaha, Shah Rukh Khan city..my a**.
Alley cats have done so much and what they got??? Mr.Shah Rukh Khan city; by supporting this, you will be awarded a datukship..Don't worry.
Datukship should be equivalent to the title "sir"
Hmmmm...let me see, how many Hollywood actors got that for promoting their state.
We should scrap all these datukship thing.The whole country is crawling with datuks. They are a dime a dozen. Every senior civil servant or senior GLC executive seems to be a datuk. And with a bloated civil servant population that malaysia has, you can imagine how many datuks we churn out each year. The title of datuk no longer carries any respect. Every Ali, Ah Chong, and Mutusamy seems to have one. And if you cannot get one in Malaysia, and want one so badly to soothe your ego, you can get one from a certain Philippino sultanate. And now that we have run out of Malaysians to give datukship to, we have to dish them out to bollywood actors. Soon the whole bollywood world will be full of datuks. I pride myself for being a rich selfmade honest citizen that does not carry the datuk title. I am a rare commodity. I am happy to be called a Mister, or an Uncle.
Throw a stone into a crowd in Bangsar, and it will likely land on a datuk or a datin. There are so many datuls running around that some datuks now have to differentiate themselves by buying a bogus doctorate degree, or "honorary doctorate" degree to put the "Dr." title to sound more "important" or more "intellectual". (These people have the brains located in the wrong end of the body.) Maybe we should revert to the ancient practice of calling people by their professions or trade. For example, we may have a "Carpenter Ah Chong", or a "Oil and Gas Zulkifli", Or a "Mamak Restoran Mohammed", or a "Chef Ali", or a "Lawyer Karpal Singh", or a "Newspaper Ayyasamy". At least we recognize everybody for their contributions to our daily lives. It's better having everybody as "Datuk" with very very fuzzy claims of what contributions they have ever made to our society.
Our economy is not doing that well. So it is not a bad idea to export datukships. If we could sell a datukship to every bollywood actors and actresses, say for a healthy 6 figure, just imagine how much money malaysia could get. Then we could expand the export to the ASEAN market. Besides the actors, we could also target the business people as they got the dough to buy the datukship. We could rake in millions every year into our economy. Then every year we could hold a Datuks gathering for them to "network", and our tourism industry could rake in milions hosting these rich foreign datuks. So don't scrap the datukship. We should give out more, but we put a hefty price tag to each datuk title. Good export item. After all the tiny Melaka state needs some export income. Maybe Penang should do thst too, and DAP can show UMNO that it can do a much better job in export of datukship.
Aiya, why are you all so upset with the proliferation of datuks? Let us think outside the box. Let's give out MORE datuk titles. But the state should officially charge for the title and sell it to anybody who wants to buy it, and issue an official receipt for it. But before you throw stones at me for saying this. Just think. By doing it this way, the state gets revenue. It is better than having some smelly politician "arranging" for you to get a datukship in return for some "under table kopi money" for which rich business men are eager to pay to get a Datuk title to satisfy their ego. Say if the state charge RM200,000 for each title, then for 500 titles, the state get to earn a cool RM 100 million. And if the state gives out 1000 titles, that translate to a cool RM200 million. Of course the price of the Datuk title will depend on the prestige of the particular state's Datukship. Maybe those states with a Sultan could charge more as it is a royal conferred title, instead of those from states with no Sultan. The money earned could help the state implement programs to help the needy, or improve the infrastruture.
father was saying that Datukship nowadays has no more value. COmpare that to the OBE.
And what big state? Will we be giving Shah Rukh Khan PR status soon?
I forgot...we must also give datokship to Caroline Zeta Jones...she is more well known than Shah Rukh Khan..she will be a better tourism ambassador..she has the looks....PLease also consider Jodie Foster (king & I)for datokship
As to the Rustam claims that Bollywood can promote more Indian tourist to Melaka..I say bullshit to Rusatm.
I go to Melaka very often...and I see busloads of Singaporeans and Chinese nationals...no indians..none
I also propose a datukship to the tourism people of Singapore for bringing tourist via the causeway
to Melaka.
Why!!Why we have this type of idiotic leader? Whoever voted Ali Rustam last GE, please think carefully next time U vote. Vote idiotic leader means U are idiotic voter in a BODOHLAND.
Hello WCW,
Next Attraction/Next Change :
1.Lorong Shah Rukh Khan
2.Jalan Shah Rukh Khan
3.Bangunan Shah Rukh Khan
4.Koperasi Shah Rukh Khan
5.Sungei Shah Rukh Khan
6.Stadium Shah Rukh Khan
7.Biasiswa Shah Rukh Khan
8.Proton Model Shah Rukh Khan
9.Roti Canai Shah Rukh Khan
10.Parti Politik Shah Rukh Khan
11.Bunga Okid Shah Rukh Khan
13.Akademi Shah Rukh Khan
14.Jambatan Shah Rukh Khan
15.Cukup Shah Rukh Khan......
Sekian Dan Terima Kasih
SICK !!!
This is a big joke ! OMG!
datuk-ship are so cheap nowadays. this is sad
malaysia boleh kan?
if the malacca state govt justified the conferring of the datukship based on promotion of the state by SRK, wouldn't it be better if they award the datukship to the director or better still, the location scout or any Msian who proposed Malacca to the bollywood's side?
bodoh betul la.
Don't blame Ali Rustam. Blame the people that voted for BN and him. Who are the idiots that put the idiot there in the first place?
why the hoo and the haa about datukships losing prestige? The prestige is LONG GONE! We all know that today all the senior civil servants have them, and that means zillions of them have the datukship. Never mind if some of these officers are corrupt or pure inefficient or negligent in their duties. They still get their datulship anyway. And if you are an ardent supporter of BN, you will probably have one too, as long as you do some contribution to these parties either financially or free news exposure for them. The BN goons tend to mix up contributions to party with contribution to society. And we also know that some crooks have datukship too. So since there is no more prestige to protect, why not give out more datukships. The more the merrier. And if more bollywood dancers and actresses want to come here to do a little song and dance movie for a datukship in return, it's OK. Give it lah. Encourage more of them to do movies here. We should give F-1 boss a datukship too. That way, maybe he will shut down the Singapore F-1. I don't understand why there is such a big outcry over giving a datukship to SRK, as if it is still a high loss of national treasure. Hello, go to any pub in PJ or KL, and you find a few datuks in there. Go to any UMNO function, and you will find that EVERYONE there has at least one or two datukship. So what is the great deal? We should be happy if SRK even want to accept the datukship, as if he even need or want one. After all he is already a successful movie star, and is financially loaded, and there are plenty of pretty girls throwing themselves at him.
There is this guy in JB who goes around on his own bicycle to fill up pot holes at his own expense, and risk breaking his life and limbs to perform a duty which the local council neglected to do. That man deserves the datukship more than any filthy politician.
Typical UMNO politician response will be:
* "Don't question my decision to give the datukship to SRK".
* "It is within my authority and power to give the datukship to anybody I want".
* "I have spoken to the PM. Let the PM decide".
Hello hello folks, Don't say the datukship is cheap lah. I still cannot to buy one yet ( or rather, I can afford one, but I rather use the money to buy a more expensive car). You are all either very jealous because you don't have one, OR you already have one, and you are upset and worried that more people are getting the datukship to bring down the exclusivity. Sour grapes!!
Aiya .. Chun Wai, you used to criticize that there was a proliferation of datuks. But when you were given one, then two datukship, you didn't complain. You were happy and proud to receive them. Then when there is more proliferation of datukships, you complain again. We already all know there are excessive number of datuks, so why not give out more? It is not going to hurt anybody. The datukship already lost prestige LONG LONG AGO. ( And talking about "LONG", even some Ah Longs also are datuks!!!). So let it be, give SRK the datukship, if he wants to receive it in the first place. Let more actors, actresses and singers have them. That will attract them to perform or do movies in Malaysia. So Ali Rustam, please ignore all the criticism, and just dish out tons of datuks! Keep up the "good" job.
To all of you:
1) Why so jealous? Because you didn't get one? (Even opposition party MPs don't complain when they get one, whereas they were criticizing before that).
2) Or why so upset when others get Datukship, but you didn't complain when you were given one?. Don't try to deny others when you were happy to get your own datukship over dubious claim of "contribution" to society.
Whichever category you are in, don't be a hypocrite.
And Ali Rustam, please give out more datukships ( like maybe a hundred thousand pieces a year ). I will register as a Melaka resident. Then maybe I may be lucky enough that a datukship fall on my doorstep for me.
Jalan Shah Rukh Khan?? Actually that is better than some of the stupid and unimaginative street names we see in Shah Alam and the Subang areas.
I propose that from now on, all of us address each other as datuk or datin. So when you meet your friend, don't call him "brother". When you address a stranger, don't call him "pak chik", "uncle", "boss", "kak", etc. Just call all of them "datuk" or "datin". What a great way to brighten up everybody's day!
I think we better check the lineage of Ali Rustam and Daim, to understand their rationale.
Khan't they find other more deserving Malaysians. I have a few :-
1) Tan Yee Khan (former thomas cupper and all england champions and also the coach who 1982 thomas cup) only received an award not too long ago.
2) Ng Boon Bee (former thomas cupper and all england champions) received his award under the new PR Penang state govt.
The list goes on and it hurts to list it further. BN has obviously lost its way and they better take a leaf from the Malay idiom...bila sesat, baliklah ke pangkal!
A Sultan or a governor gives out the datukship. If you are selected to get one, you can either accept or decline the datukship. Nobody forces you to accept one. And nobody asked any rich bugger to "buy" one via a middleman to put your name for a datukship nomination. And we can't blame the sultan for not having the resources to vet through the list of nominees since the resources are parked with the state government. So don't you all go crying over the volume of datukships given out. So what if the title loses value? If you don't have a datukship, who cares if the value goes down. And if you have a datukship, and feels that the datukship has been cheapened, then you can either return it, of if you are too scared to return it, then hide it in the drawer and use a Mr or Encik in front of your name, and don't advertise your datukship with emblems on your car, and a string of titles on your name card. Don't go around saying the datukships are cheapened already, but then you happily display and flaunt your own datukship to boost your own ego. So many sour grapes and so many hypocrites around.
Plain Mr.
Who says Datuk title is cheap? I still cannot afford to get one leh.
Hi All ...
Well ... I have to add my comments on the subject. Lets accord Datukship awards to those that have had an influence to our society ... well to start of ... Melaka did well with SRK. lets just look for others that may deserve such grand accord ... not confined to just Melaka alone ... lets have it throughout the country. Ops ... BN only has a few left ... so out with Kedah, Penang, Kelantan, Perak & S'gor. Lets give to Mr Bean, Ultramen, Donald Duck & Mickey Mouse ... among the few. Many Malaysian has grown up with these characters ... for the next generations ... may be for Power Rangers, Spice Girls ... come on people ... need help ... who else? Then there're the 'Bapak Demokrasi' tag for the out-going PM ... not bad ... not too far off the mark. Malaysia Boleh!!
God help us all ....
Let's all move on from this SRK crap. Melaka can give a datukship to whoever it wants.
jangan salahkan shah rukh khan untuk pangkat datuk yang dia sendiri tak tahu pun apa maknanya.bila di india org tak tau pun apa benda datuk tu.yang salah org yg memberinya.shah rukh tak ada kena mengena dengan ni.JANGAN SALAHKAN SHAH RUKH KHAN!!!!!!!!1
Everyone seems to have forgotten that due to the "greatness" we put upon this Datuk title, we are all lamenting/blogging about this ALREADY WORLDWIDE FAMOUS SHAH RUKH KHAN getting our Malaysian TITLE which incidently is so00000 dear to many then some.
In the first place SRK wouldnt care like us Malaysian will,if he did not get this title at all.
Of course out of politeness he would accept this title from Melaka but for all those who brought up this matter and cooked it to this level i must say they are really "small" people.
Tan sre.
haiyaa .. what la you all talking about ... this is just another way for malaysia to be GLOKAL (GLOBAL and LOCAL) .. this way, many ppl will know that we have titles like datuk etc etc .... of coz the award ceremony will be telecast live to india and mebber the UK.. we can make millions from broadcasting rights, advertisements etc .. then the Malaysia Book of Records will surely hand Malacca State Government with another MBR certificates .. and who knows .. Ripley's Believe it or not might also like to feature this story ... see how one simple gesture can make Malaysia famous ????
p.s. mebbe after this Phus Chu Kang will get a datuk from johor, due to his famous 'Singapore, JOHOR and some say Batam .... " ... dont playplay ...
I think if the Government of the state can offer this to a Indian Bollywood STAR; why is everyone favorite foreign star whom is loved by all Malaysian regardless of race & age over the last 2-3 decades is not honoured?? JACKIE CHAN…He act, collaborated with our very own Datuk Michelle Yeoh & did & produced movies & brought fame to our country landmarks in his movies & also his influences with the local music industry!!! He may have a greater influence to the Malaysian population has been a very healthy & Good public figure for all.
This is what puzzles me??…Michael
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