I really pity Malaysian transsexual Mohd Fadzil or Fatine. She's having a tough time trying to stay in the UK with her husband but some of us here are not making it easy for her. In fact, we seem to delight in making her life more miserable.
We judge her by questioning her moral values, with one alleging that she has tarnished the country's image. As if some of our politicians have not tarnished the country's image, whether in the country or overseas.
For God's sake, let's leave her alone. Her husband and his family are not complaining about their marriage. They have given her the blessings and she is obviously happy with her life - which she could not possibly get in Malaysia.
So, why are we doing this to her? I really hope that the UK will approve her application this time, her third attempt, under the Human Rights Act in Britain. All the negative reactions towards Fatine would actually help in her application this time. I hope she uses all those paper cuttings to back her case. It's your life Fatine, no one should tell you how to live your life!
See Star Online exclusive story.
Malaysians are sick. The country is also sick.
Arman Muslim :
Dia adalah seorang Muslim Datuk !, sebagai muslim dia tidak boleh berkahwin dengan lelaki. Saya anggap Datuk tidak tahu apa tentang Islam sebab Datuk orang kafir.
Saya rasa Datuk menyokong mereka dan apa kata kalau anak lelaki Datuk juga seperti itu.
Datuk Wong,
Wrongly spelled title.It's "Leave her alone!" I guess.
Britain and Malaysia are two worlds apart in valus perception.What's acceptable to one is considered immoral to the other.My sympathy to Fatine and I hope she will be granted permission to stay back to live the life she yearns which she will never realise in this country.
info on transsexual kat sini - Gender Identity Disorder
Leave him or her alone?
Imagine this, if that "man" is your son or daughter or vice versa who did changed his or her sex?
Can you still sleep at nite Dato?
Fatine claimed that Malaysian transsexuals are treated like 2nd-class citizens...and 'He' should ask himself whether that is true...'He' wouldn't have even been employed by TOP-NOTCH make-up brand like YSL or Laura Mercier in the country as a Make-up artist if Malaysians really treated her with a 2nd-class status! THE STAR only reported from one side story...and should have seek her family out if 'He' really made that so-called few hours phone calls to seek forgiveness...ONLY GOD KNOWS if he has been telling the truth!
mohd fadzil adalah lelaki,lahir sebagai seorang lelaki yang beragama islam,memang tidak boleh dimaafkan dan seeloknya buang saja dari jadi wagenegara malaysia,memalukan agama dan bangsa.Jadi pada datuk yang tidak memahami agama islam dan bukan beragama islam tidak ada hak untuk membela dia..Salah memang sudah di tentukan tuhan,tiada kompromilagi...
For god sake! He comes from Muslim family! No matter what he does, it will reflect Muslim images. Don't u get it? And if we keep this issue as trivial problem, i believe there will be more people want to act like him! Please think before you write. Thank you.
Everyone should have their rights in life. We were thought to love and accept everyone for who they are in life didn't we? I think Fatine should be given a chance and to find her happiness.
Clearly people are not born equal. Some have a much harder road to travel. Making Fatine's life harder serves no humane purpose and brings us further down the evolutionary scale as a species.
"No matter what he does, it will reflect Muslim images."
I keep hearing people claiming that Muslim's image is one of tolerance. I guess those people are all wrong.
"And if we keep this issue as trivial problem, i believe there will be more people want to act like him!"
Pretending that transgender humans do not exist by suppressing their behavior: Who's the one trivializing the issue now?
this is not a trivial problem...
why do we need to highlight this problem anyway...
The immigration only doing their job.
Dah foto dalam IC & the current one tak match! Nak buat mcmana?
Who's to blame? The Govt ke or the person yang create all this mess?
The paper yg create this trivial problem.
Highlighting this nonsense issue.
Ada a lot of things about HUMAN BEING that need to be entertain such world hunger, poverty, org sakit nak masuk hospital etc...
Ini tak?
Fokus to this person. He or she pun susah mau decide? Hmmm..
and i wonder, why all this so called "trivial" issues only focus on Islam.
How about others?
Buddha, Christian, Jews etc?
Semua org cakap lebih..ckp mc bagus2..sbb korang semua tak penah kene..bile salah satu keluarga korang ade sejenis mcm fatine..baru korang tahu..mesti korang akan faham..keluarga fatine bersabar je dengan cacian n maki2 korang..korang bayangkan lah..saudara korang mcm fatine..then semua masyarakat maki2..korang rase ape??..suke..mcm tu lah keluarga fatine rase..korang mane ambik tahu semua tu..jangan main sedap je nak basuh2 orang..sebagai umat islam..ape yg terjadi semua ni..haruslah di ambil ikhtibar..semua manusia ade haluan masing2..dah haluan fatine mcm tu..biarlah tuhan yg tentukan..kenape kite yg nak sibuk2 tentukan..die manusia gak mcm kite..tu lah rakyat malaysia..nampak buruk sikit..dah caci..buang..hina..bukannyer nak amik pedoman..so kepade sesiapa yg slalu pandang buruk kepada fatine..fikirkanlah..die takde kaco idup kite..kenape kite nk melaga2kan lagi hal ni..sekian
An interesting observation: generally those who have a relative or close friend in the same biological predicament are sympathetic.
Of those who are strongly unforgiving or unsympathetic, most do not have a relative or close friend in that predicament.
What does that suggest? The position you take seems to be influenced by how closely it hits home. If your son or daughter were born with that predicament, no matter what your current view is, it is almost guaranteed you will look at this with more sympathy.
All of which tells us that it’s easy to take an inflexible position on this, until it affects us personally.
Think of all the extreme emotions that have been expressed towards the unfortunate Fatine. Do you think she enjoys being the target of all these abuses? No one wants to be caught in a transgender mix-up mind / body situation, if they can help it. In many places, people like her fear for their lives. Do you think she wants to deliberately endanger her live?
Obviously she can’t help it (why would anyone deliberately invite hate mail?). Nature (or God, if you like) made her that way. As God’s people, we are asked to be sympathetic and help her. Not condemn her. She did not ask for this.
Where is the love in the religion we proclaim to have? Truly, we have just enough religion to hate, but not enough to love!!
FAtine were meant to be the way she is now, Fatine meant to be Famous in this way tho,yet she is still His Creation.N so the rest of us.Her story just representing the rest who r in closet.
hanya orang yang suka bapok je sokong benda-benda haram macam ni. Org bukan islam tak layak berkata pasal agama islam.
Kenapa bila dalam hal2 yg menyentuh tntg agama Islam sangat ramai org2 non-muslim yg cuba b'tindak menjadi hero..kebebasan memg hak manusia tetapi kebebasan itu ada hadnya..
My big problem with this is the difference in two situations (both in the UK, both perpetrated by Malaysians).
Ok, the Immigration Dept DG is saying she may face action because she potentially embarassed the nation's image?
And yet this report:
... says THIS Malaysian is allowed to continue his PhD even after allegedly molesting a 15 year old? (Yes, yes, Mara Dep. DG said "should not be penalised just because he has been charged". So it is ok to continue studying even after being a suspected paedophile, isit!!! Remember, countries like UK/US have stiff laws against sexual misconduct on minnors! What does THIS do to our country's image? It makes me wonder exactly what we all need to be ashamed of.
Its biological, its God's creation, its not A choice, you are lucky because the proportion of male:female hormones in your body is right! Transgender/sexuals are not as lucky as you people! For God's sake, stop pointing fingers at them for they trying to live better!
I agree with you Dato. Everybody should leave her alone. Whatever she has done is between her and God. Life is short and I believe she should live it the way she wants!
Britain should grant her political asylum as her life will be in danger when she comes back.
DON'T EVER COME BACK FATINE. We will be praying for your safety and well being.
padan lah muka fatine .... datuk, jika anak u mcm fatine u akan tulis macam nie jugak kah? kafir! seperti madonna separuh bogel menari dgn salibnya ...
Orang ni kahwin mengikut undang undang sivil orang putih.. tu pun tersangkut! Kalau dalam Islam ( dan juga Kristian, Hindu, Buddha dan lain lain agama) memang la perkahwinan tu tak sah. Orang ni dah dewasa, biar dia sendiri tanggung akibat perbuatannya. Orang orang Islam harus beri tumpuan kepada perkara perkara serius yang melanda umat Islam seperti kemiskinan, rendah tahap pelajaran, ditindas di Palestin dan sebagainya. Biarkan orang ni.
Aku nampak ada seorang Anon mmg bengang giler.. inila jenis orang yang ingat dia mulia sangat kerana kononnya ada agama... x reti berdebat dgn elok, sesuka hati jer ngko tuduh orang kafir. Ko rasa Datuk Wong tu bukan Islam dan ngko tu Islam, maka ngko layak berasa ngko lebih baik? ngko pasti ke ngko tau segala-galanya? kalo c fatine tu berdosa di mata ngko, nanti tuhan hukumla dia, sure lah dia masuk neraka kalo ngko betul. Boleh tak ngko biarkan tuhan yang maha adil sahaja yg hakimi dia? Bukan ke hari2 ngko cakap tuhan tu maha adil, maha penyayang, maha pengampun? ataupun ngko tak percaya tuhan ngko adil, maka ngko pun nak jatuhkan hukuman terhadap fatine? terhadap Datuk Wong? boleh tak jangan perasan nak jadi tuhan di muka bumi ni? Apsal kalo org bukan islam bagi pendapat ngko marah sangat? adakah jauh di dalam hati ngko tu ko tau drang betul, dan ko x cukup ilmu utk pertahankan kepercayaan ngko? and pls refer back to ur religon teaching, take care of your own life, ur loved ones. Owh, it might help if u read more to widen ur horizon and open ur heart... bukankah surah pertama dalam Islam : 'bacalah'.......
Kepada Fatine, bertaubatlah, pintu taubat masih terbuka, insaflah dan kembali kepada jalan yang benar. Kembalilah ke Malaysia dan kepada pangkuan keluarga Fatine. Mereka amat memerlukan fatine, lupakan saja segala percitaaan dan perkahwinan yang songsang ini. Kita hidup hanyalah sementara, jangan Fatine menyesal di kemudian hari.
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