Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

What a year it has been. From the political tsunami of March 8 to the Bukit Antarabangsa tragedy, 2008 has been a roller coaster ride for all of us. It has been an exhaustive year for us in the media. For bloggers, there was no shortage of comments to make and certainly, many news breaks were also made through bloggers. If 2008 has been a year of change, 2009 may well be the year of uncertainties. It would not be an easy year as Malaysians would begin to feel the effect of the global financial crisis. But as we wait for the new year to usher, we should also put politics aside and just spend time with our families. This blogger is taking the family to Bangkok for a short break. Allow me to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Anonymous said...

It has been quite the year. Looking forward to next year. TO everyone, Happy Holidays!

Samuel Goh Kim Eng said...


May the spirit of Christmas dwell within your heart this season
So very important for each one of us for all the right reasons
Simply because of the God-sent divine person
Jesus Christ who frees us from sins' prison

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 241208
Wed. 24th Dec. 2008.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2009

BlueMoon said...

Bro Wong, What happen to the visit malaysia year that the chief state holder of your newspaper is trying to project? Another lip service which characterises many Dato's, Tan Sri's and who-is-who in malaysian circle? While you are enjoying the pulluted air and congested traffic in Bangkok, please be reminded that Pulau Perhentian, Tionman, Sipadan, etc are far more better.

Faridah Zulkiflie said...

hi ex-boss!!

happy new year to you and i know i'm a tad bit late, merry x'mas!!!


Whatmeworry said...

I agree with you BlueMoon. But holidaying in Malaysia could be quite an expensive affair too. Recently, 2 writers wrote to the Star to comment that it now cost a bomb to climb Mt Kinabalu.

Unknown said...

Dear Wong,

You are right.

Year 2009 may well be a challenging year of uncertainties, but with God as our Rock, our fortress, our deliverer, our strength, our shield, the horn of our salvation, our stronghold (Ps 18:1-2), we shall not be moved but will OVERCOME and TRIUMPH over all uncertainties and adverse circumstances.

To God be the glory for the great things he will do in Year 2009!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you and loved ones A Happy 2009. With peace, love and happiness greeting you at every turn.

Anonymous said...

BlueMoon, you are a real as@#%$&. Everybody is entitled to a holiday anywhere he wants as long as he pays for it himself. Have you ever considered that the WCW may have been to all the places you mentioned? Asfor Bangkok,what better time to visit than NOW, when the hotels, F&B outlets and massage outlets are all almost empty and whatever patrons there get excellent attention?

asian-fellow said...

It has been tough year.

Looking forward to a better year soon (hopefully...)

Happy Holiday!

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

I wish everyone an Unhappy New Year for the simple reason we are facing hard times. So let us not delude ourselves by wishing each other happy new year. So folks, have a Bad New Year, and bathe more often to 'buang sway.' UNHAPPY NEW YEAR!

ChengHo said...

Happy new year 1430 hijrah , happy new year 2009 and happy new year CNY....we have too many holiday let work on every saturday again..

Anonymous said...

Malaysia can be a paradise on earth only if we learn to ignore those self-serving and manipulative politicians out to exploit religion, race for their own purposes and advancement.

Let us keep our emotions in check and treat the poison they serve up daily with our keen reasoning power. Show them we know what is good for us and our future generations.

Merry Christmas and a Great 2009!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Folks.

Anonymous said...

Dear Datuk,
Wishing u n ur family a very happy blessed New Year!
Looking forward more good write ups!