Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sodomy - the plot thickens
The sodomy story is becoming more dramatic. First, we are told that the doctor who examined Mohd Saiful had found no evidence of sodomy and now, the Pusrawi Hospital is saying Dr Muhamed Osman Abdul Hamid did not conduct a sodomy-related examination on Anwar Ibrahim. The hospital is saying the Myanmar doctor is a general practitioner and not a specialist. Rocky Bru, meanwhile, has posted a blogger's comment who has dropped insinuations that Dr Muhamed and Anwar may have known each other. But it is best that Dr Muhamed comes out in the open to give his side of the story. He has to explain whether his written document was a doctor's record for Saiful or an examination. Stephen Doss also has an opinion here. All these speculations are taking place because the Attorney-General's Office seems to be taking its time. Anwar, meanwhile, has said that his arrest is imminent. In fact, reporters have been camping outside his house since 5 this morning following talk that the arrest would take place soon.
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This IS the greatest conspiracy in the World.
Even larger than the discovery of an crashed flying saucer and alien beings in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. That WAS the greatest conspiracy and now it isn't anymore as is reported here :
Truly Malaysia Boleh! Viva Malaysia!
You are only qualifed to conduct an examination on a human ass-hole if you have passed and be a member of The Royal College of Human Ass-Hole (UK).
This field of medicine is called AssHolelogy and it only exits in our beloved BolehLand.
We can't help but wonder what's cooking in the pot
With so many c(r)ooks having a hand in the pot
Even though only one person is targeted to be put on the spot
Yet there are so many players now entering the plot
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 300708
Wed. 30th July 2008.
It's all very simple. If someone has imposed himself forcibly into
that small little ### of Saiful,
there are bound to be 'wear and tear'. You don't need a specialist
to do that. Even his uncle Pet can do. The more our authority try to come up with explaination of the medical report the more stupid they look.
What is clear is that Anwar will be charged and sentenced accordingly so that he cannot pose a threat to Barisan. In a football match, once the referee is on your side, you will be stupid not to win. Our civil society must not remain silent in this blatant disregard for law and public opinion. Perhaps our Agong should step in to haul up the Chief of Police and question why he is bringing disrespute to his good name. Is not the police force known as Polis Diraja Malaysia? Or is it Polis Raja Di Malaysia?
mr wong
do you need a specialist to examine someone's arsehole to determine whether he/she was sodomise?
and are you questioning the doc's impartiality?
why dont you just write whats in your mind?
Wong Chun Wai,
Pls read the below reply to Rocky bru posting.
Hope you too think before do posting!
Stop posting nonsense & rubbish article like this!
So what if Dr Osman know Anwar?
Is that meant he know him then he will do whatever which is against the law?
Anwar also know Musa Hassan, so what he had did to Anwar?!
Pls use your brain to think and analyse before posting rubbish! I hope you have brain!
The whole world is fed up with Malaysia Judiciary!
We are no better than Zimbawe, Myanmar or Sudan!
All this because you like to talk or post nuts article!
Q2. Sodomy is as evil as murder. (True or False)
Sodomi sejahat Membunuh. (Betul atau Salah)
Answers at
Jawapan di
Since when a GP with MBBS is not qualified to check on Saiful backside ? Does our MU currently having a Royal Kolej of Physician specialize in "anus checking" ?
Malaysia is a very funny country with weird people running around in hospitals and parliament.
is that a career called sodomy specialist???
and where the heck is our flip flop PM???
and which polis officer is fully incharge of this case???
Perhap Malaysia is the only country in the world would need a new field in the medical profession called SODOMOLOGY and the specialist called SODOMOLOGIST.
Unfortunately PUSRAWI does not have sodomologist except Government Hospital.
What the hell is happening to the Government brain?
I would suggest that if they hate Anwar so much why not they just 'Cfoured' him. They did that to Atantuya! So the case is peacefully rested forvere.
OMG ! Just watch the opening of this interview with the Deputy IGP regarding the sodomy case of Datuk Seri Anwar.
Notice how he says:
“….yang telah melakukan kesalahan liwat….”
and also watch closely his body language. NOTICE ANYTHING???
Link :
July 31, 2008
Votes: +0
We refuse to be what you wanted us to be - we are what we are and that's the way its going to be.
Now they coerce the doctors to make us(Rakyat)the fool. Playing the public for Anuses. Where in the world or where in Medicine a General Practitioner can't tell what he/she sees up a ass.
General Practitioners must have minimum 7 years at any general hospital before he/she can practice anywhere. Medical professionals and personnel are by far the most certified and experienced men and women once they enter into private practice in this noble profession.
What these two stooges are doing is trying to keep their operation license in lieu of a government turn Mafia coercing everyone that falls in the part of it's pursuit to a political murder.
This gomen have and is violating every bound, God forbid!
We will not believe them even if they bring in Hollywood or the best computer animators there is.
You can take my life, take my wife, but my belief no one can take away.
The Malaysian Government "elites" are behaving like Zionist - attempting to change beliefs.
Why not pass a law that disbelieving the gomen is unlawful "illegal". The Jews done it.
Anwar don't give them nothing not even an eye lid, they have enough shit from SlyFool. We refuse to be Myanmar'ed'. Why not go after the Mutilators murderers and referees of those susceptible to anal sex - Bala & Baginda Tahu dia.
Hi Chun Wai
Dear Saiful. Your day has come. Be strong and be brave, son. Your sin (if it can be called that) is to be associated with a dubious personality. If you have met an honourable man like Chua Soi Lek you will not be in this predicament. The lady was lucky for until now we don't know her identity. I cried many times for you because you were exposed and torn to shreds by the public since day One. Your identity should be kept secret. So is your medical report. But now you are being judged by all and sundry. Proclaimed guilty before being brought to justice. The saddest thing even your Uncle Pet had to bear the brunt of jokes.It does not mean there's sodomists in our midst Uncle Pet has to be one too.
To Uncle's Pet's accusser is that an acknowledgement your idol is one too?. Takes one to know one. Saiul, one sure thing your case has brought out the ugly Malayasians. The moral of your story is: Parents should be wary of who your son is working for. Check his CV first
Check out this post by another doctor. Funny.
If Rectums Could Talk
By Product of The System
Greeting fellow Malaysians,
My name is Mohd Rektal bin Saiful. As the name suggests, I am the rectum of Mohd Saiful Bukhari. If you refer to the chart above, you will realise where I reside in Saiful-land.
Anyway for some reason, my medical notes ended up on the internet which have probably by now reached the White House and some say the mansion of Robert Mugabe too.
I am so embarrassed but who cares about my feelings and dignity and right to confidentiality?
As it has turned out, most lay folks have been misled and further confused by the leaked medical notes, mostly because they swallow and digest everything they read on the internet without a pinch of salt.
The esteemed Dr. Muhammad Raffick Khan remarked that no clinician uses the ‘null’ symbol before a symptom or sign. This is greatly erroneous. Dr. POTS uses the ‘null’ symbol all the time previously as in ofever, obleeding to denote ‘no fever’ and ‘no bleeding’ respectively. Some smart ass however, thought that the null symbol meant ‘zero’ and thus Dr. Osman’s notes were interpreted as ‘zero bleeding’ and ‘zero ulcers’.
Dr. Osman however, made the right inference and a reasonable conclusion. He decided ‘to rule out (TRO) assault/sodomy’. It is far from a confident and outward rejection of a sodomy event. He merely remarked that as far as his physical examination was concerned, there was not notable evidence of an anorectal insult. Anwar Ibrahim and his political friends therefore, cannot employ the medical notes as concrete evidence to vindicate him of the sodomy charges. Dr. Osman’s notes however, do lend credence to the possibility of an on-going political conspiracy against Anwar.
See an appropriate response to the blogger's comments posted in Rocky's blog at
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